BOOMKIN & SUB ROGUE IS RELENTLESS! Balance Druid 2v2 Arena – Shadowlands 9.0 PVP

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In this one i teamed up with a sub rogue and we dominated the arena! Sub rogues have so much cc and contro over the enemy team it allows me to use my convoke out of stealth a bit easier. That with sub rogues huge burst damage results in some awesome arena wins! Enjoy 🙂


10 thoughts on “BOOMKIN & SUB ROGUE IS RELENTLESS! Balance Druid 2v2 Arena – Shadowlands 9.0 PVP”

  1. only reason this works is because they focus the rogue when the rogue rapes the first guy lol. forcing the other guy to come out of stealth. then the beam and stuns are GG. love it! convoke is easily counterable in almost every other situation.

  2. As much as I enjoy playing moonkin in Shadowlands, I'm glad they removed Full Moon in convoke rotation. The RNG gives the enemy no room to reach if it crits.. just like in your vid, 24k crit is KabOoOm.


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