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The title of this video was originally going to be “How to have fun in WoW”.. or something like that, but how silly is that considering this is a game?! if you’re wanting to log into WoW but find yourself stuck in a rut and you just log out, then I hope this video inspires you to go try something different and change up the game!
Let me know your thoughts in the comments 🙂
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#worldofwarcraft #shadowlands #fun
Alright that’s it, he’s back
I would love to see tips for finding a guild video please!
Warriors can unlock every weapon (except wands), but they can only unlock plate armor appeareances.
3:03 I love both PvP and PvP
"Maybe even go outside"??? What kind of madness is that? 😉
Seriously, though, these are great tips! I had only really played DPS, and just to shake things up I've been playing tank class/specs recently and I'm loving it (I might have realized that I really don't like DPS, which I'm still debating). I'm going to spin up a healer soon to test out that perspective, too.
Thanks for yet another great video.
I don't do any hradcore content, but I always have something to do.
I've just recently finished levelling my 50th level 60 (yeah, I know).
I have one char (MB hunter) that I consider to be my main – he's the one that does all the storyline, all the covenent chapters, unlocks flying etc etc.
Then I have (from back in Pandria) a char for each profession, so these are the ones I focus on next … not for gear, but for professions.
After that the rest of my alts are there for doing whatever random content – I deliberately have one of each class, one of most races etc etc for several of the reasons you give. I don't enjoy them all equally, but I try to at least play them all, and some that were not enjoyable in the past have over time become more enjoyable. (I always played feral druid and just never really got on with it, switched to balance and now I really enjoy my druid(s).
Fully agree that alt grinding is not the greatest thing to do, and I don't do it as a job. When I'm tired of doing some of the other things that I do, I do a bit of grinding.
After that my idea is to use my alts for pet / mount / toy farming. Gear collectings from old dungeons and raids. It's easy to park 5-10 chars at Nalak to do weekly if I'm feeling like it.
I would like to upgrade gear on alts better to at least level 200 (in my mind that's good enough for this expansion as an alt), and I try and grab bits of gear here and there when and where I can.
I do pet battles, and took much of the last expansion to level ALL of my 1200+ pets to level 25 – done that now. so it's easy to keep it up to date going forward.
There's not many days that I can't think of something to do. Some days I don't play at all and rather watch a movie on netflix or something.
I don't play other games, I feel I don't want to start investing that much time into something else at this point – I still enjoy the "same repetetive nonsense" that you mention 🙂
Awesome vid bro. I can definitely relate.
"Bored in WoW? Try These Things!
1. play the other faction.
How about no. The game is dogshit, I don't need to invest time and money to see it from the other side. Plus it's ran buy a bunch of pedos.
WoW has been dead for years, the only good expansion in the last 10 years was Legion, everything between WotLK and Legion was shit and everything after Legion was shit. Basically, Blizzard got lucky and somehow made a good expansion with Legion, the only one since WotLK (which was also questionable).
To suggest people should play this turd for the other faction because it could be good is a terrible take.
Yes mate! Good to see you back!
I haven’t touched wow since like the first few months of shadowlands, do u think it’s possible to come back or am I too late and need to wait for the next expansion?
You know what would be fun? Playing old content on my max level character but get this, instead of that old content being under my level, it is all scaled up so I can't just one-shot everything and the old rewards were also sort of scaled up so that it's just good enough but not better than the current expansion stuff (which doesn't even matter since the gear is so mundane)
I would love to play some mist and Legion without having to resort to private servers but blizzard is a stupid fucking company that instead of doing something as simple as making a server dedicated to each expansion they something stupid like "you don't want that". I think people do since the private servers I seen are jam packed.
Warriors can only collect plate appearances
I did everything but it lazy me the foff Help me 🙁
Some things I recommend going for:
Legendary dagger from cataclysm that gives you wings to glide
Legendary Staff from Firelands that turns you into a dragon
The belt called Waist of Time that is just a giant golden clock around your waist and is basically a waste of time but pretty
As a day one player returning playing from Cat (which was garbage), I'm having a hard time enjoying WOW before the new Dragon expansion. Use to LOVE this game, hit HWL and gladiator in the old predatory pvp ranking system. Although the new starting areas were nice once I hit the shadowland areas all motivation went out the window. quitting at 56 before sub is up because it's still the same grind it was years ago
When I get bored I like to start new characters with no intention of fully leveling. It’s Just great to explore azeroth not over leveled.
Sink Cost Fallacy…It's boring, but can't leave.
Now, try Twinking (pve). Get yourself a Monk level 10 go stuff in Draenor's Dg until you reach full epic 59.
Use a level 33 weapon with Lifesteal. (don't forget to lock Xp gain to stay 10 forever)
Now go have some fun boosting friends, guildmates or even your 2nd account.
Go feel overpower in TBC dungeons and help random peoples.