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A selection of new items and recolors are going on the Black Market Auction House, but we have an opportunity to buy them before they move to the market! Let’s take a look!
Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday
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OMG ur bag drives me nuts ><
so im at this lady and there is no second window am i missing something ?
They're not there when I go?
This is only out for US AND OCE currently.
I see the npc , but there is not a special dialog for me :(.
i get one of these outta my BMAH container im going to join 20 keys to leave half way through
I am playing on EU and can not see them yet… anyone else from EU that can see them?
An interesting feature, my only hang up is that these are better versions of what's available in the trading post. It feels like a cynical attempt to boost token sales by putting the more desirable version on a vendor with currency you can pay real money for. It's not terrible because you can still earn gold in-game, but the intent is pretty clear.
Edit: for example, the Troll shields at the BMAH vendor are the color match for the Zandalari heritage armor. Maybe the version in the trading post will match the default troll set when it's released but for now it doesn't color match to what's available.
Ms. Xiulan isn't selling anything for me. Playing on EU
lmfao 100k for some junk Tmogs, Blizzard is so brain dead discconected, like who would way 8 bucks for that junk
This type of vendor is so cool but for the prices i would expect new models not recolors
1:34 Hey soul is inviting us to raid with him on tuesday and thursday evenings 🙂
its 2.1mil for all of it sounds like a good time to me
Gold sink so why not, but most of them are recolors so kind of meh…
how often do these items change? every month?
The swords are nice. The rest is garbage xD
how can i buy these from here, she doesnt sell me anything
Other than the polearm, those items are garbage and you're garbage for wanting them
These are on the trading post right now no?
It's not online on my game?
Europe gets them later …. or something else?
Or do I HAVE TO HAVE some amount of money, to see the option to talk to her?
I still dont understand why its not on the EU-servers…
Welp people want gold sink items for some reason so i guess this one way since BM seem to be doung it anymore btw BMAH are pain the ass to acess
Been playing SoD and every time I see videos like this about retail I literally turn into a meme
No money
End of August huh? 🧐
THANK YOU!!! I've been looking for where to get the Temple Blades. I immediately went and bought them as soon as I saw your video.
Dont forget the Long Boi gold sink in BFA it was moved to BMAH i think during prepatch of shadowlands … so if the mob says to get before the end of August then War Within will launch by then (or maybe the WW prepatch)
Please ask them to put the longboy on that vendor Soul, you need to be our voice!!
i cannot justify spending a single gold for any of those items lol
None of this stuff will be rotated in the TP? I'm still getting that sword recolor & helm though 😬🤦🏾♂️🤣✌🏾
The gun recolor…🤷🏾♂️ make some more basic color guns, ijs the gun is nice if your current mog is color specific to the gun, just like the rest of the recolors, I'm sure this is where they are going to be putting the TP recolor stuff, interesting because the recently released TP wastewanderer mog set had a recolor too as well as the old RF explorer mog set….
I went to the lady but there's no dialog or option to buy them. Is this only NA or EU as well ? Weekly ? Is this on live or PTR ? Now not only theres the Trading post FOMO we get another vendor with recolors (Maybe even unique stuff in the future) causing another FOMO… They could not create incentive for people to buy tendies on shop so now they created a specific vendor that sells them for gold forcing people to buy boosters…
is it on retail ? i dont get the option with the npc
Some of those are just color reskin with jacked up prices.
Why is it when i talk to Ms. Xiulan that i dont get that option?
if i talk with her she shows me nothing
For those people on EU wondering why they can't get it yet – apparently we will have to wait for reset, so try it again tomorrow
Oh man, that helm recolor is just great and matches so many more armor sets than the blue one!
Complete your WoD garrison: get your own Black Market auctioneer, too!
That large blade looked something like the one that Thanos used in Avengers Endgame.
Happy New Year
This is currently unavailable on EU realms for some reason. It sucks, because that version of the dwarf axe is LITERALLY THE ONLY WEAPON MODEL THAT MATCHES THE HERITAGE ARMOR. It's likely just a temporary bug though, and August is 9 months away.
I feel like half the shit you talk about in these videos, requires a full working knowledge of the game and its current state, including all of the various ins and outs of the multitude of Systems and quest lines and other patch features. Otherwise, most of this will be like pig, Latin to the average viewer.
was all recolors mounts was recolors of trading post and 12 month subs why pat 3/4 tokens for recolors
same lookin stuff you get from SW vender…