Can I Complete World Of Warcraft Cataclysm In 48 Hours?

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With World of Warcraft Cataclysm Heating up with the Firelands raid , can we take a Deathknight from fresh to level 85 , gear up then take down the raid bosses? there’s only one way to find out.

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33 thoughts on “Can I Complete World Of Warcraft Cataclysm In 48 Hours?”

  1. " Edit" Seems YouTube had a issue with my audio at around 14:25 and again at 15:15 sorry about that
    Hope you enjoy this kind of video , first time trying something of the sorts so feedback welcome. While yes you can never complete WoW technically , With these rules can we do it in 48hours?

  2. Hello Dobby, Linu here. What are the chances of seeing a random video and decide to watch it just to see that there's a guy called 'Linu' and I am like 'dude, that's me!". Nice video man! Sorry for leaving so suddenly, had some guests at our house and the raid took longer than expected, anyway, there was no chance we could have done Ragnaros since most of the people were not knowing the script. P.S. I loved your 'Going from Zero to Hero Cataclysm' series, watched it all in one evening.
    All the best from Linu

  3. i remember back in the day i leveled a worgen to 85 before my cousin and his dad had even leveled 80-85. i was an actual fiend with no life lol.

    and man the cata plate gear at 16:05 gives me such a nostalgia.. it was like the first expansion where i could start to play the game seriously as i was like 15 -16 years old

  4. Good video it's a shame it's click bait with the description " can we take a character from level 1 to level 85 " as it's only like a short grind. If I remember correctly back in the days you needed to hit a level requirement before you could play as a DK but perhaps they changed that either way. Good show!


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