18 thoughts on “Can Mythic Raiding in Warcraft be for Casual Players?”
The only hard part of WoW is being a meta spec and passing gear checks. Every single mechanic is super easy and even the world first guilds are not good gamers when it comes to mechanics, they're below average gamers.
I casually mythic raided just the first 3 bosses, a lot of us would pug it. We could never finish all bosses though.. not as a PUG, but got some badass BIS weapons on the rogue from those first 3 bosses
people need to realize just play the game we got a long time left before this season ends or this raid tier is old, play the game slowly get gear like he said upgrade and find a group down the line to do Heroic and maybe the first couple bosses in mythic and some high keys you dont have to do everything in the first month
The only hard part of WoW is being a meta spec and passing gear checks. Every single mechanic is super easy and even the world first guilds are not good gamers when it comes to mechanics, they're below average gamers.
What a poorly designed game to turn the experience into a job where only specific gear is useful.
Good advice 👍
I’m full heroic 616 rn and I can’t get into delves just seems like a waste of time
I casually mythic raided just the first 3 bosses, a lot of us would pug it. We could never finish all bosses though.. not as a PUG, but got some badass BIS weapons on the rogue from those first 3 bosses
a casual…. yes
For heroic raiding imo you need to be a smart good player, with a preferred 608 min item level. Not hard to do, but some people seem to not be able to
What defines a casual player?
How many hrs a week is casual?
Well, delves are nice. You can strt by getting gear from world quests.
Why every thing need make for casual players ? Thy are not one who keep playing the game thy play for short time and then stop.
Wow already got so much for casual People. Do more and more People wil leave who know play and pay the game all time.
Dude, you’re probably the best I’ve seen at letting the casual gamer know how to maximize their time. Thank you
Maybe just merge hero and myth track gear so mythic+ players aren’t literally 100% forced to do mythic raiding the entire season
I don’t casual players should be able to mythic raid imo
Getting into wow for the first time since 2009 and you’re speaking another language in this video 😭😂😂😂 I’ll get there 😢
Casual players should stay out of mythic raiding
I’m not even at max yet.
I play maybe one hour every other week. lol 😂
But I love your short videos.
people need to realize just play the game we got a long time left before this season ends or this raid tier is old, play the game slowly get gear like he said upgrade and find a group down the line to do Heroic and maybe the first couple bosses in mythic and some high keys you dont have to do everything in the first month
Raids are so ez i did mythic nighthold solo today!