Can Shadowlands ‘Save’ World of Warcraft?

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Can Shadowlands be the expansion that saves WoW? Does it even need saving? Probably, and maybe. Let’s talk about the state of WoW and what Shadowlands can do about it.
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0:00 Intro
1:37 The State of WoW
3:42 Does WoW Need Saved?
5:28 Where Warlords Went Wrong
7:13 The Wounds Of BFA
10:40 Is Shadowlands Any Better?


25 thoughts on “Can Shadowlands ‘Save’ World of Warcraft?”

  1. I think Shadowlands will be average.
    What I'm hoping is it lays down the framework for the next expansion without borrowed power. I think they hear the message but they were slow to listen and that is gonna come at the cost of shadowlands. Getting rid of Sylvanas is something SL will do and is needed for the game to turn a new page.
    My hope lies with the next expansion in which they can spend resources adding rather than balancing/re-inventing. New class… maybe even housing if we're lucky.

  2. As a SL beta tester I’m worried, when I leveled last which was a week or so ago, there was still so many bugs and then there’s the fact of all the new systems and such… they know people don’t want they crap yet they just keep adding things.

  3. Blizz,.. if you read these comments,… get rid of flight restrictions,… on all expansions. Nobody liked the pathways grinds,… and frankly I have earned, payed with hard won gold, and up until Legion,… I had to invest an extraordinary amount of time and effort grinding rep I never used,…to finally get flight,… which ONLY comes at the END of any expansion!?!? Why is this? Exploration is a key part of the experience,… and flight is what makes that possible. Without the ability to fly you miss the grand design of the landscape,… and getting flight at the end of an expansion is just plain useless, especially if you have to grind rep for it…. I know the argument against flight is that we will skip quests and PVP,… we do that anyways. Every expansion there are players who literally level to the max in a week or less! How much do they skip?? Give us flight and I'll purchase Shadowlands,… I promise…. I have been playing since 2005 (before BC),… but I will NOT grind for flight in BFA,… never! And BFA will be the last expansion for me… Classic was the the smart move,… but soon that will be over too!

  4. This is personal opinion, how to save it:
    1)find ways to make people talk and cooperate with each other
    2)give people more class flexibility, make the class feel better. Reforging was soooo helpful.
    3)MAKE IT MEMORABLE. Get a good protagonist. Sylvanas isn't good material.
    4)give specific areas characteristics. Bfa and wood feel like they were the same, legion kinda too.
    5)go crazy. Add stupid funny stuff.
    6) don't be money Hungry.(this will never happen). It ruins everything.

  5. I've played wotlk private servers since 2017 October-ish till present… This is my favourite expansion and I haven't gotten bored of it. I don't think people who, like me, have a favourite expansion will just move on. They'll create a new character and gear that to end game.

  6. For me, I got frustrated because I had to get a specific essence for dps in raids (PvE content) for which I had to do PvP – and I hate PvP! For some reason, Blizz goes full into the borrowed power systems. It was fine in Legion because it was new and you wieled a cool weapon, some with increidble lore attached to it (Ashbringer!!) – but in BfA the necklace was a pale copy of an old thing. The reason I'm not going back is pretty much that: I want my character to "grow", to do that "heroes journey" into the Unknown (and what bigger Unknown is there but the Shadowlands, the supposed Lands of Death?)… but I don't want borrowed power to do that, I want the feeling to really adapt in a new environment and learn to survive there. Something that got lost in WoW over the years. I think, Guild Wars 2 did it best with Elite speccs for each class and the Mastery system… As far as I can tell, this will be just another system fighting me… and I'm tired of systems. I'm tired of being forced to do repetitive content infinitely. I don't mind grinding rep or whatever it's called now – but I do want to know that I'll get somewhere and the it's not going on forever. These 10k rep chests killed it for me, there was no end to the grind and the rewards where lackluster at best, except if you got really, really, REEEEAAAALLY lucky with mount drops… RNG for endless grinding instead of earning something. And don't get me started about those horrible raid sets… How can you create a rogue set and expect it to look good on a Balance or Resto druid? Great raid and dungeon design are just not enough to cover up all the failings, and I just don't see that change in ShL in any way.

  7. Dunno if Shadowlands can "save" wow. Because wow isnt exactly dying, not yet alteast. Fluctuation in player count is normal. Weteran players may quit WoW and blizzard wont care, they are aiming on new younger players whom are more used to MTX's anyway.

  8. Shadowlands is predicated upon the idea that mid and casual players will find Covenants exciting. However, while I may not represent most players, I am drawn to WoW because I like the culture and fantasy feel of Azeroth. Nothing about the Covenants reminds me of playing Warcraft RTS. I don't give a flying flip for any of the Covenants. I want Forest Troll, Ogres, ship battles, epic battlefields. This expansion takes us as far away from the culture of WoW as possible. All while employing borrowed power, and trying to balance too many moving parts. It is time for WoW to sit back and learn from its successes and failures, and then build a proper 2.0. We need solid classes, without borrowed power. We need crafting systems that matter. We need more engaging ways of interacting on an epic conflict that feels meaningful. Exploring the adjacent realms around Azeroth should be part of patch updates (in the way that Legion introduced Argus), but the expansions should be grounded in Azeroth.


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