Can you solo Antorus mythic? | Shadowlands 9.0.5

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soloing the legion raid of Antorus on mythic in Shadowlands I thought would of just been 0 issues other then eonar, but this was not exactly the case….

Some of these fights within Antorus mythic lasted longer then BFA LFR bosses. This was either due to mechanics or the large amount of hp, compared to the small dps increase we get for legion raids.

If i cannot solo a boss that is where i Stop, some bosses other classes may not be able to solo. and some classes can continue on where i have failed.

how to Solo Eonar:
Eonar full no commentary:

⏳ Antorus mythic Time stamps ⏳

0:00 intro
0:40 Garothi Worldbreaker
0:50 Felhounds of Sargeras
1:20 Antorian High command
1:50 portal keeper
2:00 eonar
4:45 Imonar the soulhunter
5:21 Kin’garoth
5:46 Varimathras
7:12 Coven of Shivarra
7:55 Aggramar
9:48 wrap up/end

Legion damage to hp kill times aprox
4.6m hp
39k dps
117.9 sec kill time

Aggramar (not including immune phases time increase)
28k dps
267.1 sec kill time

Bfa damage to hp kill times aprox
~ 1.2m hp
5.9k dps
203 sec kill time

6k dps
216.6 sec kill time

2.5m hp
5.2k dps
480.2 sec kill time

Youtubes auto generated subs said i was a failed druid so i embraced it in my own sub titles.

About the subtitles
The subtitles are pretty much what i had written down to say for each of these videos while getting all the footage, ofc i go off script even though i wrote it myself.

It will be little off from the audio is in both wording and sync but covers everything said. it is auto synced with youtubes tools

The subs are mainly added to help those that are deaf, since the youtube auto generated ones are pretty bad, these will only be on “scripted” videos, for right now.

Dislike counter as of jan 7th 2022: 3

#dragonsfang #feraldruid #mythicsolo #sololegion


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