Candy Leveling, Anniversary Guide Refresh, New Cosmetics Coming! This Week In Warcraft

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Lots to get you up to speed on with big hotfixes and class tuning, a fresh look at the Anniversary Event, leveling fast with the Hallow’s End event, more cosmetics and events coming this week too!

Swag stuff
Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific

0:00 Intro
0:11 Hotfixes and class tuning
3:11 Anniversary Event short-er guide
6:28 Hallow’s End crash course
9:47 Other events this week

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: The War Within is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!

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20 thoughts on “Candy Leveling, Anniversary Guide Refresh, New Cosmetics Coming! This Week In Warcraft”

  1. The Chinese server exclusives kinda annoy me , Spectral Tiger Flying mount …. that should be retail to …. and worse yet they get 2000 trader tokens with there Bronto ! Would have paid more for some extra Tokens !

  2. Knowing the game industry, I’d be willing to bet those Mountain Dew codes are region locked. I don’t think you’ll be able to just pass them to somebody outside the US. And when I say the US, I mean the United States of America, instant they picked a food item. Promotion automatically Denied the promotion to be sent to Canada as our food and drug Committee would disallow it. (we don’t get half the products you guys get.)

  3. I want all 3 of the things for monk to be viable. The fact how one of them isnt even used and its the one shared between tank and healer now the only 2 used are shado pan (needed and only good one used for both tank and dps spec) and then healer is stuck with celestial. But celestial is such a cool little thing with how spirits of the 4 celestials from Mop show up and like attack your enemies with you. And on its activation as a Windwalker with your clones of earth wind fire. On training dummies when you proc it that thing chunks for 7 million damage. But in actual practical use like pvp it gets heavy nerfed to barely take out 1 million. It just seems that the class fantasy of picking your build you want. Isnt what you get. You are somewhat forced into "meta or no invite" so instead of making each of these things balanced theres this unfair advantage one has over the other where its like "why even pick that one" even though shadow pan IS BORING!!!!

  4. What I would like to know is what will happen to our Celebration Tokens when the event ends. Hopefully they will stick around for next year, like the Trial of Style currency

  5. Even after the nerfs, BRD still feels like it is tuned a little too high even on normal difficulty. My guild has killed Queen Ansurek and we could only down the first boss in BRD, the second and third bosses we TRIED but they just have too much health and damage. We were doing the mechanics perfectly but it's too long of a marathon, kept hitting Bael'gar enrage timer at about 28% health. Incindius is just strictly too much raid-wide damage.

  6. Also remember that the Netflix documentary about a wow role player named ibelin is out! Along with the reven cosmetics that is 100% non profit at least there is some good that comes from the store

  7. I love how Blizzard thinks that punishing their customers for using the broken game that they are paying to beta test for blizzard is ok. If Blizzard did the bare minimum of beta testing before releasing a broken game that is still in the beta stage, they wouldn't have anything to punish their customers for. I would argue they still have no standing to base any punishment on because they created the situation where this could happen themselves. This is disgusting from a company that has had so many complaints, whether sexual in nature or a lack of morality. Blizzard never takes responsibility for their part in this ongoing nonsensical attack on their player base.

  8. The pet mirror/basket trick still works. However, you might have to leave the basket and jump back in a few times. I had to do it at the 20% and 60% mark. But once you jump back in, it starts to fill the progress up bar some more.


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