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RestedXP is preparing guides for leveling up fast and efficiently in Cataclysm – Check out pre-orders here! Use Code: WILLE for 5% off!
With Cata Classic expected to launch early summer, I wanted to make a start on the class related content.
Today we are doing an overview of how in demand each class and spec should be.
Of course things are subject to change, and we won’t know for sure what will be best until the game has launched – either way treat this an some early impressions of what to expect and let me know what experience you have from Cata in the comments!
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RestedXP is preparing guides for leveling up fast and efficiently in Cataclysm – Check out pre-orders here! Use Code: WILLE for 5% off!
Holy paladins mastery in cata applies a shield for 10%(maybe 15, don't remember the exact base number) of amount healed, or am i missing something ?
from playing on whitemane i can say, noone cares about specifically what dps spec you are but, what healers and tank you have. healer synergy is huge in cata.
EDIT, locks are only demo in pve . they will care about that. demo broken
Who’s itching to play cataclysm again that expansion was asscheeks and ruined all wows lore.
The best thing about cata was tanks with vengeance. Pair a rogue and a blooddk in 2s and it's ezpz all day
I’ll probably stop playing after cata. Got too easy
Loved cata, but not playing it again.
Where can i find WoW Raid Comp ? Google don't help me 🙁
Who gives a shit
"840k crits until legion" Does he not remember the damage squish in pandaria? I was doing 2 million+ chaos bolts.
I do not know why so many peoples hate on Cataclysm because there are a lot of fun classes/specs to try out while there is also so much stuff to do especially PvE wise so i do not know about others but i will definitely have a blast playing this version of the game. The fact that we will have the beta/gamme catch up mechanic for 5mans will also make it so much more fun for alts.
I raided as seal fate in classic. Sub's been viable for a long time.
But ok.
@6:30 "will you stop" in the corner made me giggle.
did they make enhance stop using spellpower items? in cata?
I did love playing sub rogue in the early raids before I quit the game.
Too bad I never had the chance to get legendary daggers
I ain't playing this hot garbage lol
Not playing cata is the most needed and bis class. Play sod or hc, even retail.
Cant wait for the bozos to go play cata.
Just give me a goblin
Demand will be 0 unfortunately interest in this trash pile of an expansion is basically non existent
I got so disappointed when they announced cata instead of classic+, i think cata will hard fail