Catch-Up Gear and Collecting in the SL Prepatch Event

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Showing you how to get catch-up gear and limited time collectibles in the SL prepatch event! The Scourge Invasion pre-patch event for Shadowlands is now live on NA and EU servers, and it’ll last until the Shadowlands Global Release on November 23/24. During this two week pre patch event, you can get catch-up gear from three different sources as well as a collectible battle pet and the Argent Conscript appearance set. The Argent Conscript set is essentially the Arathi Warfront armor but presented in the BfA Season 1 Gladiator colours, and some of the pieces are new to this event. Some are shared with existing sets, so you may know some appearances already.

Addons such as Rarescanner and Handynotes can help you see where on the map various rares will spawn- although with the default UI, spawning rares will be marked with a purple skull so an addon is not needed unless you’re waiting for a specific Icecrown rare boss. The Handynotes plugin shown in the video can be found here:

There’s also a zombie invasion rumoured to be a part of the prepatch event, but I’ve seen no evidence yet that it’ll include any additional catch-up gear or collectibles and when it might start is unclear.

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43 thoughts on “Catch-Up Gear and Collecting in the SL Prepatch Event”

  1. Hey, great video! I whould love to know what's the Addon that shows you the items you have already collected in vendor! I like the way it shows! Keep it going you do a really good content!

  2. Not thrilled with pre-patch. Nathanos has dropped a sword for my lock. My priest did get a decent staff. The rares have not dropped anything for me and most others on my realm have not seen anything. It is satisfying to take down Nathanos on all my alts. Use care near him, even far far away you can get 2-shot, I mean far away. I was on the other side of the hill behind the house.

  3. This is literally the worst pre-patch event ever devised by any game ever. "Hey guys! Let's fight rare mobs every 20 minutes in a set path that has god awful drop rates for anything." Woo blizz, really know how to make a game unfun.

  4. Boss' rotate at 02, 22, and 42 minutes after the hour. They physically spawn in at 1 minute before that time and it take 2 minutes with a slight delay so you really don't start attacking until around 04, 24, or 44 minutes.

  5. It's not "approximately" every 20 minutes btw, it's precisely every 20 minutes from when the last one went live, on a 6h40m loop. On the server I was on it was at x:03, x:23, x:43 in minutes past each hour. I was online for that whole loop the day after prepatch came out, doubt I'll have the motivation to do the whole loop again but I did get the 34 slot bag out of it.

  6. Hazel always makes the most clear and concise guides to WoW events of anyone I've come across. I know it can take a lot to learn everything about an event and then reexplain it in a way that makes sense so thank you for doing this so we don't have to! With that said this seems like a total waste of a pre-patch. Blizz could've dropped this event when the initial release date was supposed to hit and added a mount or something to make it more intriguing for people.

  7. Hey Hazel! I want to mention that all of the rares have a chance to drop an Accursed Keepsake, similar to the Haunted Memento, it is a unique item that can be sold on the AH. May be worth farming for if people like this sort of thing.

  8. This event is absolutely terrible. BFA was 10000% alt UN-friendly and now I have 6 alts to catch up with a boring as FUCK grind every 20 mins for a 10% chance drop rate and absolutely nothing to do in between. Legions Pre patch event was worlds better. You constantly had to fly to a new location and kill mobs with gear drop rate being 90% amazing XP given and gear at the same time. Best catch up ive ever seen no waiting required but with this you are screwed. No xp so no leveling alts. Gear is a hope not a promise and the wait time is an AFK simulator. Thank you Obama i mean Blizzard

  9. I started the event on Saturday, did the quest line and after that got my first Rare and the bag dropped. Today Sunday I played most of the day and with the rare scanner addon I started the hunt. Got many pieces of armor and 3 weapons. After my dailes reset did the quest and continued with the Rare hunt, by 5pm I was able to buy the full armor set and the pet. Tomorrow after work I want to hunt few more Rares to get that Broom item. Then the week of Shadowland release I will be on vacation ! Game ON ! Good luck to everyone during this Pre-release event !

  10. The preevent is such a failure in my Eyes…they advertised that u can get infected, turn into a ghoul and attack other players and turn them into Ghouls too but no….blizzard are a bunch of lazy farts again xD

  11. The time between when each rare spawns and when it's attackable is two minutes, not one, so there's plenty of time to get there from anywhere in the zone once the yell appears in your chat. The gear drops are inconsistent. On the first day I got 11 items across 5 characters (not counting weapons from Nathanos), and the next day I killed about 25 rares and got a ring for my trouble. Your mileage may vary. In any case, we'll all be back in leveling greens in 2 weeks regardless.

  12. Order and drops from rares:

    Order NPC NPCID Item ItemID ItemCat ItemType

    1 Elder Nadox 174048 Nerubian Aegis Ring 183673 Finger

    1 Elder Nadox 174048 Shoulderpads of Corpal Rigidity 183641 Shoulders Cloth

    1 Elder Nadox 174048 Serrated Blade of Nadox 183624 Weapon Dagger

    2 Noth the Plaguebringer 174067 Hailstone Loop 183676 Finger

    2 Noth the Plaguebringer 174067 Robes of Rasped Breaths 183642 Chest Cloth

    2 Noth the Plaguebringer 174067 Etched Dragonbone Stompers 183654 Feet Plate

    3 Patchwerk 174066 Severance of Mortality 183643 Weapon 2H Axe

    3 Patchwerk 174066 Cinch of the Tortured 183645 Waist Leather

    3 Patchwerk 174066 Regurgitator's Shoulderpads 183644 Shoulders Mail

    4 Blood Queen Lana'thel 174065 Bloodspatter 183647 Weapon Polearm

    4 Blood Queen Lana'thel 174065 Veincrusher Gauntlets 183648 Hands Plate

    4 Blood Queen Lana'thel 174065 Chestguard of Siphoned Vitality 183646 Chest Mail

    5 Professor Putricide 174064 Miniscule Abomination in a Jar 183650 Trinket

    5 Professor Putricide 174064 Chestplate of Septic Sutures 183651 Chest Plate

    5 Professor Putricide 174064 Bag of Discarded Entrails 183649 Head Leather

    6 Lady Deathwhisper 174063 Deathwhisper Vestment 183653 Chest Leather

    6 Lady Deathwhisper 174063 Handgrips of Rime and Sleet 183655 Hands Mail

    6 Lady Deathwhisper 174063 Zod's Echoing Longbow 183652 Ranged Bow

    7 Skadi the Ruthless 174062 Drake Rider's Jerkin 183656 Chest Leather

    7 Skadi the Ruthless 174062 Skadi's Saronite Belt 183670 Waist Plate

    7 Skadi the Ruthless 174062 Skadi's Scaled Sollerets 183657 Feet Mail

    7 Skadi the Ruthless 174062 Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake 44151 Mount

    8 Ingvar the Plunderer 174061 Annhylde's Band 183659 Finger

    8 Ingvar the Plunderer 174061 Ingvar's Monolithic Skullcleaver 183658 Weapon 2H Axe

    8 Ingvar the Plunderer 174061 Razor-Barbed Leather Belt 183668 Waist Leather

    9 Prince Keleseth 174060 Royal Sanguine Cloak 183680 Back

    9 Prince Keleseth 174060 Keleseth's Influencer 183678 Weapon Fist

    9 Prince Keleseth 174060 Drake Stabler's Gauntlets 183661 Hands Mail

    10 The Black Knight 174059 Phantasmic Kris 183638 Weapon Dagger

    10 The Black Knight 174059 Helm of the Violent Fracas 183636 Head Plate

    10 The Black Knight 174059 Shoulderpads of the Notorious Knave 183637 Shoulders Leather

    11 Bronjahm 174058 Papa's Mint Condition Bag 183634 Bag 34-Slot

    11 Bronjahm 174058 Cold Sweat Mitts 183675 Hands Cloth

    11 Bronjahm 174058 Grieving Gauntlets 183635 Hands Plate

    11 Bronjahm 174058 Gaze of Bewilderment 183639 Head Mail

    12 Scourgelord Tyrannus 174057 Protector of Stolen Souls 183632 Off-Hand Shield

    12 Scourgelord Tyrannus 174057 Fringed Wyrmleather Leggings 183633 Legs Leather

    12 Scourgelord Tyrannus 174057 Rimewoven Pantaloons 183674 Legs Cloth

    13 Forgemaster Garfrost 174056 Legguards of the Frosty Fathoms 183666 Legs Plate

    13 Forgemaster Garfrost 174056 Ring of Carnelian and Sinew 183631 Finger

    13 Forgemaster Garfrost 174056 Garfrost's Two-Ton Bludgeon 183630 Weapon 2H Mace

    14 Marwyn 174055 Frayed Flesh-Stitched Shoulderguards 183687 Shoulders Cloth

    14 Marwyn 174055 Sightless Capuchin of Ulmaas 183663 Head Cloth

    14 Marwyn 174055 Frostsworn Rattleshirt 183662 Chest Mail

    15 Falric 174054 Bracer of Ground Molars 183664 Wrist Cloth

    15 Falric 174054 Valonforth's Marred Pauldrons 183665 Shoulders Plate

    15 Falric 174054 Geistslicer 183667 Weapon 1H Sword

    16 The Prophet Tharon'ja 174053 Breeches of the Skeletal Serpent 183686 Legs Leather

    16 The Prophet Tharon'ja 174053 Phantasmic Seal of the Prophet 183685 Finger

    16 The Prophet Tharon'ja 174053 Tharon'ja's Protectorate 183684 Off-Hand Shield

    17 Novos the Summoner 174052 Necromantic Wristwraps 183671 Wrist Mail

    17 Novos the Summoner 174052 Summoner's Granite Gavel 183627 Weapon 1H Mace

    17 Novos the Summoner 174052 Cuirass of Undeath 183672 Chest Plate

    18 Trollgore 174051 Leggings of Disreputable Charms 183640 Legs Mail

    18 Trollgore 174051 Troll Gorer 183626 Weapon 2H Sword

    18 Trollgore 174051 Cowl of the Rampaging Troll 183669 Head Cloth

    19 Krik'thir the Gatewatcher 174050 Webrending Machete 183681 Weapon Dagger

    19 Krik'thir the Gatewatcher 174050 Cinch of the Servant 183682 Waist Cloth

    19 Krik'thir the Gatewatcher 174050 Skittering Vestments 183683 Chest Leather

    20 Prince Taldaram 174049 Blood-Drinker's Belt 183677 Waist Mail

    20 Prince Taldaram 174049 Reforged Necklace of Taldaram 183625 Neck

    20 Prince Taldaram 174049 Taldaram's Supple Slippers 183679 Feet Leather


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