Cdew's Guide to Restoration Shaman PVP in Shadowlands

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Video Contents:
00:00 Introduction
00:57 Race Choice
02:21 Spec/Honor Talents
11:56 Macros
17:22 Stat Priority
19:43 Covenants, Soulbinds, Conduits
30:21 Legendaries
33:43 Healing Effectively/Rotation
38:52 Utility
41:36 Cooldown Management
47:32 Positioning Offensive/Defensive
51:56 Communication
53:43 Common Mistakes
55:21 Addons
57:40 Compositions (Comps)
1:00:33 Thanks for Watching!

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37 thoughts on “Cdew's Guide to Restoration Shaman PVP in Shadowlands”

  1. I'm elemental as the Chains of Devastation works the same, but Chain Lightning does 50% increased damage and Chain Heal costs no mana. I didn't think legos acted differently depending on specc?

  2. Yo if Cdew or someone can explain to me how to keep the party organized so party 1 is always party 1, part 2 is always part 2 etc. Im always moving my macros around cause the group order is scuffed.

  3. what's the best way of actually putting heals on teammates, i use healbot but i'm sure that's far from ideal, do people use macros to target their team then use regular binds or do they use some addon to click heals onto raid frames, idk

  4. damn, that earth ele conduit.. i saw it recently but didnt think much of it.. gotta grab it now. Makes it more worth it to channel flesh at all costs for those bursty teams

  5. earth shield legendary seems the best, especially for consistency.. but as a non raider, not really an option for me and would be annoying to get. I got the one that gives you 7% chance of gaining ascendance when you cast riptide. For ele, it does the same when you cast lava burst. It changes per spec.

  6. Love Cdew and all, but the macro section is where I remember why I don't like wow pvp… Too much shit to do before you can even play. Imagine being a new player and dumping all this info on them.. seems like a barrier to entry to me. Not to mention all the addons you need to install. Personally, I'll just watch. 🙂

  7. Excellent guide. A lot of people just go over stuff like talents etc… but the other info like rotstion, how to survive, is stuff I been looking for. Looking forward to see the hpally guide. Keep up the good work. I don't know if you play ele or enh but if you do please do a guide too.

  8. Amazing guide, thank you! Though, most rshamans (and other healers) are rerolling hpal for areana now. There are 33 hpals in top 100 (3v3). And that top 100 ALL specs, not just healers. New exp, same story


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