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It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee! ✌ Sponsored by Nord. We’ve went through every spec at length. Now, it’s time to pick a main for The War Within. Here’re my choices, Matt’s choices, and a few pointers to help you in the right direction.
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The only wrong choice is Rogue, apparently
While I agree that you should play what you want to play, it's disingenuous to say that casuals will be fine playing whatever. Metas trickle down the ladder and the less experienced players look to the top of the ladder to see what classes they should be inviting
Here he is again the master of clickbait shit wow videos. Talking about the same stuff in 20 videos again. The cycle repeats once again. God i hate these type of wow "content" creators.
I read the title as “Choosing a Man” and though Bellular sure is branching out to new types of content…
Glad you took transmog into consideration
Bellular. I love you, but what do you have against timestamps? correction What does your editor have against timestamps?
I've always mained a Forsaken Demonology or Destro Warlock. That's what caught my attention when the game was 1st announced.
I always play Assass rogue and it seems its doing its name justice starting the expac. Oh, well. Can't win em all i guess.
Unrelated: Is there a way to make your characters in the warband screen return to their idle animations?
Sometimes i just wait and they never sit tf down.
Don't you and the other youtubers get sick of making the exact same video once a week? My god lmao
I hate elitism like that. "Don't make the WRONG choice".
There is no wrong choice. If you have fun it was the right choice. Stop fearmongering.
The War Within … you can poilish a turd … but at the end of the day this sad excuse for an expansion offers yet again , nothing new , nothing creative and clearly highlights Blizzs famous design of , recycle , reuse and recolor and call is " new " … actually sad how Blizz doesn't even try to hide how bad they have become at lying to their customers . Cringe af ! FACTS !!!!
i switch specs a lot to prevent burnout and pick almost purely based on fun (only exception is if a healer is so mathematically undertuned that its close to impossible for them to do things like resto shaman in early df) and i genuinely hate when the spec i swap to ends up being very good/flavor of the month. i have guildmates that switch based on power and i dont like suddenly competing w the tryhards when i was just trying to have a good time
Bro, just shave it off. For the love of god.
Mashala dash omid 🔥
If i still play the Loremaster, i already have chosen Draenei MM Hunter for that.
Raiding: Shadow Priest.
PvP: Frost DK, Retri Paladin, Fury Warrior.
I dont get it, but i cant play anything besides Hunter. i have to jump and run all the time😂
I would love to be able to choose the list of my follower dungeons, i like Violet Hold styles, since i dont have adhd, i disslike the open area mount gogogo fast and skipp everything straight to boss and leave the whole group behind ones.
Feel the same ?
Oh boy, I recall playing balance druid at Nelth mythic. Oh boy what a nightmare it was
As a Balance main since TBC, the spec feels fine – frankly better than DF since I didn't run pulsar. It's that other specs got a massive glowup, not Balance becoming actively worse. But god that class tree. I've hated it since DF launch.
FOTM players are worse than Yankee/Lakers/Cowboys fans
Cries in druid makn rogue alt 😢
I'm going into TWW as a Fury warrior main with a Ret/Holy alt. Been a holy paladin since OG Wrath and I loved the feel of Titans Grip. Even if Fury is below Arms in terms of DPS, I'm sticking with Fury because I LOVE how it feels. My little gnome with severe anger issues will always be my go to. And with the changes to hpally, I feel I can enjoy healing again (skipped SL and most of DF). May take some getting used to, will probably level her healing in dungeons to get used to it.
I am really liking assassination rogue at the moment so it will be my main 🙂
Man I love guardian druid. It's sad to see so many people hate it.
I came here hoping to learn how the classes feel and play with the changes, instead I got some generic tier list with comments like "things are improved" or "These are good classes".
Maybe useful for some, but it didn't really help me make any choices for a main.
In what website will you find the graph that shows the min/max dps medians that he displays?
disgusting title on video
Bro, DHs got shafted so hard with the boring tree and the super annoying one to use one like the soul collection one. Talents are complete dogwater when DH gameplay already being super demanding in rotation
Excellent video!
The wrong choice is resubscribing to this game for a twelfth time thinking things have changed … The true definition of insanity is playing world of warcraft and expecting to ever be "good" again
I'll be playing Arcane Mage. All of the utility, plus a VERY fun updated gameplay experience that's also powerful? Can't go wrong. Even if they nerf it the other two specs are solid.
LOL the tank ranking is almost ENTIRELY different in every single creator video….guess that means none of these guys have any clue and just play what you like.
The idea that Paladin doesn't have a bad spec is a joke. If you're actually suggesting that Prot Paladin is fine going into TWW then I don't think I can trust anything that you're saying about any of these classes. It's the worst tank and it's not even close. About as tanky as a wet noodle. If you want a class that is a good hybrid that can play any role decently it's Monk or Druid.
8:48 only man on the internet saying druid is the worst tank lmao. Literally top of everyone's list behind DK and resto druid is super solid.
Not even going to bother watching. Just going to downvote for the shitty FOMO title.
I play a Warrior in SoD, parses are everything for the sweaty. Me, I'm content just being a tank and not parsing.
That's some low quality FOMO & clickbait title. 🤡
Play whatever the fuck you enjoy.
Always happy to take my chance of downvoting this ad greedy goblin.