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Choosing your class in World of Warcraft can be very overwhelming when just starting to play WoW for the first time. This guide shall help you decide which class and even spec suits you the best or is the most interesting.
Links that can help you to learn more about classes:
Icy Veins:
Wow Head:
Pets for Hunters (Ferocity):
The Deathknight scene is a tribute to Captaingrim. I really enjoy his videos and wanted to tribute something that relates slightly to him. Yes I know his machinimas are a LOT better =)
0:00 – Intro
0:17 – Warrior
2:47 – Hunter
6:05 – Mage
9:00 – Rogue
12:35 – Priest
15:55 – Paladin
19:29 – Warlock
22:10 – Druid
26:50 – Shaman
29:59 – Monk
33:37 – Demon Hunter
35:39 – Death Knight
38:25 – Evoker
41:17 – Outro and Thanks =)
There is more WoW content coming in the future =)
If you are german I have a newer version of the video in german right here:
When I saw a tauren with a shotgun, I immediately knew what class I wanted to play.
18:51 got me! Ret paly. I laugh so hard I had to stop the video. Awesome video. Made my day.
affliction In a nutshell :
Demonology nutshell : end end also
Destruction nutshell :
hast du auch ein Video wo viele skills der klassen angezeigt werden?
Ist er deutsch? Dieser akzent alter😂
As a new player, is it better to start and learn the game as a DPS, rather than starting with a tank/healer? Protection paladin looks fun but not sure if it would be difficult for a brand new player
8:38 How to be Cirno (Baka)
What transmog outfit and now was the hunter wearing?
I loved the goodbye message, thanks men c: I needed it <3
I just start WOW yesterday and it’s great experience tbh, just sometimes idk what the hell to do because I’m either lost or just die to quick lol
hard stuff not recommended to minors
Your accent sounds a lot like Flula Borg.
I love that you do a short explaination of how they play and not just some aesthetic or lore explaination.
He really said a brewmaster monk is like fighting your drunk uncle on the porch 🤣🤣🤣
Well made video, thank you
Stop supporting blizzard if ou want the game to actually become good again guys. The game has fallen in the way only a truly great game can, speak with your wallets.
easy orc hunter beast mastery skinning leatherworking cooking easyest class to play next class to play is orc death knight blood jewelcrafting blacksmithing cooking and then highmountain tauren druid resto/moonkin herbalism mining fishing cooking.
after that it really dont matter destruction warlock or mage or monk are all good clases also elemental shamans are alot of fun just pick goblin for the racial vendor discounts and the 1% haste permanent helps any caster alot
39:18 Min.: "Evoker only have 2 Specs"? This Setence dont Age Well. XD
We have soon a 3th Spec 4 it ^^
41:30 Min.: I took the Path of the Holy Priest Since Season 2 Schadowlands. I start play Season 2 BfA and start as a Beast Mastery Hunter.
Then i Rerole at the Holy Priest at the Same Season only 2 Rerole Again at the Prot Paly, then Season 1 SL my new Guild Froce me into the Retri Paly and then Season 2 SL i found my Home Finaly in the Holy Priest.
I mean PI is a sutch OP Spell and i be realy happy 2 have it and i hope that. I play 2 help outhers 2 heal them and make them happy. I be a selfless person that love it if outhers be happy and say that they like my pi and make dmg and be happy that they can destory everything with my help. :3
That they can let there inner child out and have much fun.
Im so happy that PI is in this game and i dont want 2 play a outher class because i want 2 play a importent role, want 2 be some once that needs the groupe wants 2 be some once that make outher smile outhers happy and help them.
I want 2 be the helping hand 4 outhers that i dont have as i start 2 play. Want 2 see them smile. Want 2 show them the World that i love.
Have a great day anyways ^^
This video is amazing ! I main a mist weaver and honestly it’s addicting to play !
Gnome rogues can hide in bushes, stealthed and kill the orc warrior
If your new to the game, you also have access to vanilla classic , you should try it as well
Oh noooo Ive watched the whole video and I still don't know which class to play the eternal struggle
Loved your video, not sure you have yet, but you should also make one explaining the Races of each faction, as that is another choise some people are struggling with, maybe even the factions as well.
Where is the good spell animation!? Look at the warlock, the shaman – it's disgusting to look at. I don't understand, the engine doesn't allow better or what? Blizzard has a lot of money. Warlock launches confetti, shaman cheap 2d lightning. WoW animation is correctly compared with a smartphone game.
For me, the game ended when the Tauren Paladin was announced. What is happening now is just terrible.
Great video mate, thank you 🙂
I think the use of Holy in priest and paladan is the idea it comes from the same resource and symbolic use. Same as restoration for shaman and druid.
I'm amazed at your channel, low subs, low views but totally amazing content!!!! You should have millions of views and millions of subs with videos like this.
Thank you, this is a very helpful video and I truly appreciate how deep you went into each class.
I’m starting WoW today because of South Park
I’m sorry it’s great and helpful video but I gotta say I always waited for him to say “listen now John McClane”
You think prot is the most difficult tank? Try a the brewmaster monk lol. Apart from that amazing video man. Very immersive.
dont tell me what to do blizzard
oe que pc tenis ? xd
Perfect video man!
I started wow like a month ago there are so many classes I like
Ill never play this game and i dont know why im watching this. Guess i just find this stuff interesting? lol
Your awesome and awesome video have awesome day
Melee is pronounced MAY-lay dude…
Not “Meh-LEEE” 🙄
Otherwise great video. Thank you
What are those little blueish green lights circling around the character?
Best class overview vid I've seen without getting into the BS meta everyone else talks about.
I started playing WoW in 2019 and I wish there was a video like this at the time to have helped me out. It's clear, it doesn't overwhelm new players, and it gives players a chance to actually see the classes in action as well as how the armors look. It also explains some terminology that other guides and players use a lot (like "proc" and "glyph") but don't explain, which is super helpful for new players. Thank you for making this great video!
Still waiting for the day when they give Meta back to Demo ;<
F'n Demon Hunters
Called out as a furry worgen druid and I don't mind.
What is the UI addong it has for the action bars?
Well the tauren can pretty much picj everything now which is unfair.