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20s Wargame Discord
0:00 Intro and Racials
0:58 Priest Spells and Abilities
4:49 Talents and PVP Talents
8:30 Mastery Overview
9:34 Gear and Stats
15:07 Like, Sub, Join the Discord
#Level20 #WorldofWarcraft #Shadowlands
Man! I keep on procrastinating playing a priest because I feel like I have no clue what I'm doing with them and I play solo almost exclusively. Your disclaimer always cracks me up because I'm positive there's an army of trolls just waiting to flame anything, even if it's the according to Hoyle best way to do it. I think it's good to get the perspectives of others on how they build and play toons because it can give new ideas on how to approach specs. Thank you for sharing your takes!
oh. so you do have desperate prayer…
jkjk awesome walkthrough as always, Cig
Glad you’re back, congrats and finally playing my main spec of 10 years on 20s 😂
Is nobody gonna mention he looks like the elephant man when the addon looks into his cowl?
I wanted to say thank you for your amazing work.
I've been following your guides and they are amazing.
I used to play World of Warcraft (started in October 2005) during vanilla, TBC, MoP, Legion and BFA.
Lately I feel, I no longer have the time to dedicate to play it anymore, so I just play until level 20 (free).
I've been having loads of fun on the last 4 characters level 20, I made (I've reached 50 characters, a good portion are bank alts which I want to keep) just to explore old content: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue and Mage (I want to unlock appearances from the 4 types of armor)
Of course the main reason I gear them up is for PVP reasons.
Gearing up a low level character used to be easy, but in our days it's like an arms race where you have to get sockets, gems and enchants just to keep up with your opponents.
My favorite class is the Hunter (I have 4 characters level 50) but my most played class is the Warrior (5 characters at level 50).
It's really a shame Blizzard doesn't care for balancing the 20-29 bracket because it's so frustrating playing a Warrior that I quit the idea but I'm still gearing him.
Everyone is complaining about Hunters.
I can see why they can now heal and bubble just like a Paladin. I don't know who thought this was a good idea …
In the old days if you had to heal as a Hunter you had to use bandages or sit and eat and if you got aggro than you had to use FD or disengage.
Honestly I still struggle with this idea, when playing a Hunter.
Nice video dude! One question I had is….at 8:46 where did you get that info of how effective Mastery is on a Discipline Priest? Any chance you can link where you found that please?
Love it Cig! You just keep smashing it out.
Not sure about Fade tho, I tested it in a duel on my hunter. Maxed range with the hunter auto shooting until it was out of range then moved forward 1 step and restarted the auto shoot. When I used Fade on the priest nothing changed, the hunter just kept auto shooting. This was probably 3 weeks ago.
I thought I was gonna see some duels or bgs
WOW a twink video, theyve only been irrelevant for over 10 years. Gotta love how he makes this 16 minute long video explaining what hes copied and pasted from the net, yet doesnt bother to actually fight another twink. Honest to good waste of everyones time.
Thanks for the useful build. Got a question btw.. should I twink on a starter account or use my main acc? Ofc its easier to build the character on main account but its not the 20 bracket more active if you play on starter acc queues?