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Classic Hardcore Moments #48
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Featured Players in This Video:
2. Andonomis-SkullRock
4. ShuX
5. smokesession
6. Spirentil
7. Sticy
8. Driev
14. Increddyble
15. Johnnyboy
16. Mihku
17. Kajjagogo
18. Wogley & Yitam
20. Msrager
22. Akihara
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Music by EpidemicSound
Music I use: Bensound
License code: BG3JNEQSNFZICL4D
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#WorldOfWarcraft #ClassicHC #ClassicHardcore
The DK 64 music at 5:25 is a masterstroke. Love the content, keep it up!
That paladin could have saved the druid
I was watching Epik while he was streaming and i said "hey man hp check?" Welp we go again!
Graysfordays is insufferable
very much appreciate the "this was their gear" on the unfortunate Naxx death(s)
you know when you see the dragon portrait, they are special
too much editing
So when is Hardcore Fresh coming out?
change petri cooldown to 7 days
Bro i the last clip is saving lay on hands for next run
I like watching warriors hardly use their stances right and barely any of their more useful abilities. Makes me laugh when they start to panic.
PSA: Warriors you don't need to be in zerk stance for every encounter. 10% dmg taken increase isnt worth %3 crit especially against an elite mob
Grey that was 100 percent your fault you made the dumbest of dumb calls they followed your call and got your warrior killed
Expecting a bailout from "fears" is some management blaming employees bullshit
Maug running face first into a pack of mobs, dying, then immediately blaming the rest of the group is the true hardcore social experience.
7:20 i dont get it? why did the priest petri?
8:13 my man will never fade bro
Do Frost Mages in HC have 100% brain rot???
2024, but ppl play so bad ((
Why oh why in 2024 do people still run away from mobs with their backs to them?
Why oh why do people do quests in places that are renowned for killing players normally without a hardcore penalty?
Why oh why do people try to do elite kill quests below the level requirement? Bhag'thera is ORANGE TO YOU DUDE. Stahp…
16:27 I’ll never understand people who panic on paladins. You can stand and bang out so many seemingly bad situations with their incredible defensive toolkit.
people playing "harcore" while having crusader enchants on their lvl 20-40s is beyond me
0:46, undead enemies, fear wouldn't have worked.
I love these kinds of players 8:51
5:22 your audio edits kill me every time xD Donkey Kong Island, Obi-Wan, all the other stuff.. hilarious for all the stupid deaths 😀
priests in classic have alergy triggered when they press fade or something?
10:00 paladin needs to get banned
1st clip imagine being that druid with multiple cc and not use a single useful spell and blame others yikeS so bad
Crazy how there is an actuall spell that kills yourself on hardcore… Why would you learn that spell . haha
12:00 Jesus Christ that has to be the most wrecking death of all. Dude even had Atiesh staff…
Ratchet and clank music bringing back the memories 😍
how did that mage in SG get 52 at all
Dying to Doan ican't
Other people, is the reason I will never play hardcore.
That Maraudon clip: where was the heals? Where was the defensive cooldowns? Where was the intimidating shout? Where was the shield block? Where was the potion? Where was the shield wall? Where was the target dummy? I rewatched – the bro was using a TWO HANDER!!! didn't even switch to shield. Come oooon broooooo. EDIT: it was still the healer's fault 100%. But I think he could have lived there, if he just went super defensive. I would have popped my cooldowns, survived the fight, and then HS out – can't do instance with a healer like that (I would have said: "Sorry guys, the toilet in my house is overflowing, have to clean some poop, got to go!")
in the first clip, why did he not place the target dummy sooner, and actually put some hots on his team member? xD
So no bubble hearthing but have access to divine intervention?
16:09 Walks up to 4 mobs. Is surprised he pulled 4 mobs.
surprised pikachu face meme
bicycle fall meme
@8:40 That is a real thing they do! "Free summons to Ironforge!" SMH. 😉
12:05 F to pay respects. 🫡
Guy at the beginning is like just barely a Gen Z and talking like he’s a 17 year old rizz-lord
16:20 what name plates are these? They look good