Classic WoW Fresh PROGRESSION Realms ARE HERE!

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23 thoughts on “Classic WoW Fresh PROGRESSION Realms ARE HERE!”

  1. GDKPs are for sweaty losers, bots, gold buyers, and jajas that take 10% host cut + base cut. Ban it, ban the players, ban the bots, ban gold buyers.

    Edit: I hate it when "it's not going to stop people from buying gold". You mean SOME people. Most will still do LC, 2/3SR. MS>OS, or come up with something else. SoD has constant SR raids running, Vanilla it's almost all GDKPs ran by people who don't want to be there ruining the fun.

  2. When you're playing the game as a normal person, you socialise enough to make some acquaintances that leads to joining a guild. GDKPs goes against that spirit. Always felt like it was made for streamerlike people / people on 10 hours a day, that raid on like 12 characters to always have something to do. Normal people don't do that.

  3. your take on GDKP is pretty bad. there are a plethora of other ways to make gold in the game as intended by design and by ways players have found with some creativity. GDKP ruins the economy of the server and eventually incentives people to buy gold because the inflation rate is unsustainable. its a very basic and real nightmare that objectively ruins the game for the majority of players.

  4. Nah screw gdkp. I like SR runs and by the time of SoD those runs were almost entirely gone. For those of us who one buy gold the most gdkp ever offered me was going on my main as a carry, I never had enough gold to purchase anything significant

  5. I am one of the only people I know who never bought gold in 2019 Classic, most raiders would just buy gold with irl money and use it to get gear in GDKPs on their alts. Then once their alts were geared they would do carries to make more gold.

    They would have an insane amount of gold. And only reinforced the bot problem. I was perpetually broke and didn’t get epic flying until well into Wrath but played from day one in August 2019.

    All the death rolling too.. with bought gold.

    I only got excited for fresh when I saw they would get rid of GDKPs.

  6. The video was going 11/10 until you somehow found a reason to defend and normalize GDKPS, like wtf d00d… How disconnected you must be to think that the average player engages in that non-sense, in fact, GDKPS are a huge factor which alienates the casual player from entering end-game content, since everyone is so juiced up in gear from paying for it, that at some point, it becomes the standard to have "such & such" to just start thinking you can be a part of the experience and compete with everyone else. I get that you're a content creator / streamer, but don't try to be "reasonable" with stances that fuck up the game and encourage pay-to-play v/s investing a ton of hours to compete with those that buy gold !

  7. I REALLY wish WSG and AB were available at day one. Lower level BG's are one of my favorite memories in Classic Era. Guess I'll be making alts to do lower level BG's with since my main will be 60 before they even drop


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