Classic WoW Hardcore has been released..

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Blizzard releases WoW Classic Hardcore, the official servers.
by @classichc
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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36 thoughts on “Classic WoW Hardcore has been released..”

  1. yes HC WoW is exactly what we need when D4 was so unstable, an recently the wow servers are pretty crappy too on the release of DF some people couldnt even load into a character because they got flagged as in an area they not supposed to be and guess what you cant open a ticket to fix it cause they moved the support from toon selection to in game oh well,…. just put in a ticket that will be seen a week later after youve been put behind by shitty development and server like theyt dont make enough to have servers that work better than something that someone put together in a shed with no electricity

  2. My regular videos would be all of me dying in regular ways but i'm still playing hardcore, it really sharpens your attention and teaches thing you FREAKING should ALREADY KNOW> but specific to hardcore, lost my hunter thru walking through a bunch of dead mobs out in the world (not in a cave) and they started all respawning around me and I ran into nearby water and I thought the mobs didn't have the swim speed but they did. Lost a warrior to the transition from regular to hostile mobs just wading into a group for no good reason. Lost a level 7 gnome warlock switching down to Elwyn because I thought I knew the area better, knowing it better doesn't fix playing foolishly. My second hunter is still alive because I am playing it very, very carefully.

  3. Asmon keep saying WoW classic is popular because it is easy. Come on, people play not because of ease, it is easy to stare at the wall and do nothing, so why people dont do it? They play, because it is fun and enjoyable, it has nothing to do with easy or hard, you can always do it easy way or hard way, but it is not the goal.

  4. Wows version of "Hardcore" is a joke. Just don't die is not hardcore at all. It's the general thing u do in the game anyway. Don't die is stupid. Having access to the AH, Trades, groups and worst of all Mail just isn't hardcore at all. It's Hardcore for snowflakes and not people that actually wanted hardcore. Blizzard again ruins a free mail. The addon was BETTER!

  5. Hardcore is obsessive and pointless imo for the fact that you lost EVERYTHING at death, making the effort itself idiotic, but still enjoy to see ppl struggling for entertainment, free world i mean, waste your time as you please


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