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I have not played Shadowlands since the very beginning, but today my Shadowlands ELITE gamer @anboniwow is taking me through the journey of Shadowlands as a returning player and how to go about it!
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Hello 51 sec haha
Love you
Yo bob Ruzu the best painter ever and the best wow player ever
Early gang where you at
The 1st 4 minutes of this video sums up exactly why I don't play retail anymore.
the reason why retail wow sucks ass right there in the start :p "Heres you list of chores before you're allowed to have fun"
if there would be a way to just get decent gear by doing pvp that would be cool.
Hey Guzu Nice video Can you please start a Horde char on Gehannas?
Retail is just not for me
Don't listen to him, fury is great in pvp and m+ rn just embrace the pump
Retail is poggers. M+ is the tits.
Enjoying the suffering conent Guzu, keep it up 😀
Hah, got an ad for Danish butter. Lurpak 😀
as a classic tbc player it is soooooo funny to see 😀
Oof hard to watch the blind lead the blind here
aka simple-brained boy attempts to play game that actually requires a modicum of skill
legendaries a few 100k? On my server they are like 25k
hell nah i'm watin for the new expansion
Retail so monotonous jfc
Endquote "Stay away from this game" i will follow your order me master
Quit wow looooong time ago. Retail wow looks like a legit fucking ball ache, for new or existing players. I would never go back, BUT I love to see you play it though, matter of fact… I like to watch everything you play… so there’s that.
God retail is so dumb now
You got pve guide from a pvper lol
You got all the wrong guides
Asking Anboni's help was for sure your first and biggest mistake, BUT BRO THAT WAS SOME GOOD CONTENT HAHAHAHAHHAHA
classic wow player going to shadowlands is like a lamborghini owner trying out a half broken carwreck that gets pulled forewards by horses
Hahahaha I love you and Anboni together but everything he told you to do was the worst thing you could've done, what a cursed video 😂 hope you try a bit more bro