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Cloud9 vs OTK
Upper Final | AWC Shadowlands NA Cup 3
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Once otk figures out this matchup they will be unstoppable. But they are hardddd stuck rn
poor sham just doesnt have cds in pvp man
It makes me believe that the advantage of monk is running fast
the fleshcraft kick to lock out from using AMZ kinda exploded my brain
dmachine is such trash listening to him stammer is just annoying. i do not like his presence on the broadcast, ziqo is infinitely better doesnt even need to be said. is ziqo returning or whats his status? not interested in tuning in to any more content featuring this dmachine guy, its so bad i feel embarrassed for the guy. its NOT good
They should nerf chill streak cough cough
Repair the game. Buff rdruid.
While dk doesnt have execute, like warr, monk, dh, hunter, and mobility as those 4, it'll be a weak cast as it is now too
So sad to watch the same comps every week, mage warrior/monk + hpala, this season even though i thought is fine for the 1st in the expansion, is utter garbage
No arms warrior no win.
intervene and combustion… I see nothing wrong here … ffs
No arms warrior no win baby.. WW is trash compared
Please make a separate channel for mdi/ arena and stop spamming the feeds of everyone else who just doesn't care