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Condemn is just execute on LIGHT steroids.
BUISNESS INQUIRIES: [email protected]
#WoW #Shadowlands #PvP
I really felt that comment on how this bg is ass cheeks
yep, condemn.
I love Arms these days. So satisfying.
So was that a complaint about both teams having the same amount of healers, because you should know with all your Mercing that alliance rarely has the same number of healers as the horde team 99% of the time, and its almost always in the horde favor.
I would LOVE black listing back. But how can you hate deep wind more than silvershard or seething O.o and yeah agree old deep wind was better
"Hey there Buddy" should be how you intro into every vid from now on…. was funny
My man
You gotta do hunter next they hit liken fuckin truck. I got 12k aimed shot on a guy last night and my hunter is only 160ilvl
Another lvl 59 game…. nope
You're venthyr on your warrior lets gooo! And YEUS bring blacklisting back
seething shore is far far worse
I was about to ask how you're so tanky.. then realised it's not lvl 60 bgs 😉
Hey para I love you lol I've gotten so much better at wow by watching you but on your shaman what are those spike shoulders I love them
Arms fun
But my spriest is a BEAST 💪🏼😎
Arms is back, anyone who plays warrior gets instant like.
I like the interaction between condemn and the execute charge pvp talent but the animation kinda looks weird. It´s just a red blood stripe that appears and that´s it =D not even the cool new animation they put in for it in single target. Btw i like to see venthyr warrior for pvp because most go for kyrian i think but i try to make a good venthyr pvp build that works. Condemn just is a lot of fun to me and smashing it feels so powerful everytime.
damn i hate all pandarian bg's, there the worst thing bout that expansion… besides pandas… and monks
also i went venthyr too and im liking condemn and door of shadows, yet im not sure it was the right choice(pvp wise) cause maybe kyrian its better? with the spear cc and the potion from the steward, but condemn does feel good
I went bastions for the spear, cause the reason was when I was lvling and had Condem. Sudden Death and Massacre was not activating is this bug or is it intended. Thanks xoxo
my warrior at 60 recently just crushed a dk for an 15k condemn crit. Followed immediately by a 6k condemn noncrit haha
Talents at 4:41
lmao the commentary alone was worth it
A part of me wants to try out shadowlands (probably partly because I have nothing else to play until cyberpunk 2077) but it's literally £60 for me to just test out the expansion for a month. Throw in the fact that I'd have to play catch up. On top of that, the fact that there is no reason to have confidence in blizzards ability to not fuck everything up and it's just too much money for that much of a risk.
Im still angry that playing warrior was utter dogshit until dreadnaught at lvl 50. So many hours in pain.
Why was blacklisting removed to begin with? Definitely bring it back