Convoluted conduit changes | Soulbinds in Shadowlands | Meaningful Choice?

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Blizzard released a blue post yesterday announcing some changes to conduits and how they’re going to work moving forward.

Are these changes good, sort of. Are these changes unnecessarily complicated, absolutely.


3 thoughts on “Convoluted conduit changes | Soulbinds in Shadowlands | Meaningful Choice?”

  1. Classic Blizz… create a contrived system to fix a problem they themselves arbitrarily created, which no one likes, wanted, or asked for, instead of just reversing their initial decision.

  2. In my opinion.. why are there conduits anyway? They dont really give the game the bit of extra and they are really hard to balance. If they would drop off the conduit system completly it wouldnt really make a diffrence in how to play shadowlands. It's just simply a 'bonus' system that is pushing the character for no reason and it needs so much work to be 'fair'.


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