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Weekly shorts series farming my favorite mount in World of Warcraft.
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I literally had 20 level 120s when that was the level cap I ran the raids back to back 5 times a day that was in the middle of BFA and I still don't have most of the 1% mount drop rates
I farmed it on 10 alts, took me about 48 attempts tracking with Rarity
I got it first try….uhm
Clickbaits make me dislike videos
Took me 4 years to get it, farming on 3 alts. Finally got it about 2 weeks ago, then got my second warglaive, AND Thoridal within that same month. There is all of my rng 😂
Bro i farm thia mount 5 years hah
Wears hats inside. Tattoo neck. New to makeup. Ill subscribe
I stg.. this is fuckin IMPOSSIBLE. it's been years.. I'm never getting it lol. Kidding… I'm stubborn as shit.
did you ever get it?
Got it on my third run ever =D
you'll get it soon
Close to 50 try’s still nothing 🤦♂️
its about 4.9% mathematically speaking…
Took me two years on 11 chars to get 🤣
It's still 1%. Think of it like this: each time you beat the boss, it's like rolling a 6-sided die. Each time you roll, the chances of it landing on a 6 are 1 in 6. It doesn't get more likely to be a 6, regardless of how many times you roll. Loot is the same way. The game doesn't track how many times you've killed a boss and apply different odds to your character based on that in any way, shape, or form.
I got it back in the day.
Only 5 yeah you need to pump those numbers up
I got it today after 30 trys
Having many alts helps =)
The math……remains 1% drop chance per attempt but doing it 5 times increases your weekly chances.
I got it again for the 2nd time in 11 years today.. But i got it for my wife.. I already have it on my account 🙂
1% chance per attempt no matter what. Probability increases with every attempt.
I gotcha on that math bro.
You have a 99/100 chance to not get the mount, so if you do that 5 times, the math is (99/100)^5, or about 95.09% to not get the mount every week.
You chances of getting the mount if you run ICC with 5 characters is roughly 4.9%. Gl on that grind!
im at 200 trys no mount with 9 alts
Farm this mount with 5 toons a day I finally got after a year but I don’t even play WoW anymore😔 I also have plenty of rares including zulian tiger 🥲🥲🥲
It’s way less than 1% the actual drop rate is something like 0.1%
to all those running this with 20 alts every week since 2009, we salute you.
I do Onyxia and this on 7 alts a week… 🙁 big sad to us
Bro I’ve been running Eye for years with 8 alts and still don’t have the Azure
not to sound like a D but i got invisible 3 times in less than 50 runs 😉 ( gave one to friend and twice was solo )
Lol loosers i already got it 😏
I got it then got locked out my account had to start from scratch
you have 5 chances at a 1% drop chance. you could do it on 100 toons but still not see this mount.
I LOVE wow conyent like this. But you pretending to be a moron “is it 5%” was the insta swipe. I know you’re not actually that stupid and just doing it for views but I beg you to just be an adult and not fake being a idiot for views.
I'm using 10 alts to get the mount lol
Currently 968 runs in ICC no mount
I got it after my first try. But it’s the I only rare mount I have really.
Im so glad i got lucky and got this mount. Now i feel like my luck is out been trying to get felsteel annihilator over 2 years no luck run it on 8 alts every week
Took me years to finally get this mount….
5 chances at 1% rate