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As a long fan of stories that mixed sci-fi & fantasy I'd love to try something like a tech mage or tinker… So long as I could also heal with that class. I love playing as a healer in bg's.😁
new class? But DH still has only 2 specs
What do I think about evoker as a concept: I dunno man, it sounds real half cooked, not plausible. DH getting Metamorphosis and having it taken away from demolocks sucked but it made sense – Illidan could meta, and metamorphosis was both flashy AND spec defining, it was a weighty aspect of Demonology. Arcane's relationship with the mana bar is neither flashy nor is it spec defining, it's just how the spec functions, and it's nowhere near as cool as turning into a purple (or felfire) demon was.
Evoker/invoker sounds kinda like a red mage type from ff.
cant wait my gosh looks great
Nature mage type would be amazing! Balance is astrological, shaman is close.. but I'm trying to use magic to toss sand in people's eyes for stuns, throw rocks/boulders at people and create Gollums made of the elements. Like the theurgist from DAOC.
They cannot even make work the classes we have right now. They better don't waste their time on a new class. 4th talent specializations for everyone should be a prio.
I'd like the idea to be that the time mage subclass gets added to the mage and the dragon knight gets added to warrior and so on
A spellblade would be pretty lit. Like a mail wearing duellist with an affinity for magic.
the race is obviously etherals
Evoker… Ommggg <3 my dream
Thanks for the heads up on what might be the new class. We always thought "tinker" but who knows
If this is true I instant main this class !
As long as the new class is a caster or ranged all the previous classes have been melee (dk, monk, dh)
Imagine if the back pieces were just dragon wings, like the angel wings from bastion
I actually always loved the paladin class's seal/judgement system, ad thought as a core mechanic for a class that was built fully around it could be interesting. An so I thought about a rune-user class that you can place runes on locations, sigils on enemies, or wards on allies that give different effects while they remain active. Then you have a sunder ability that works like judgement did breaking the rune/sigil/ward that was placed dealing some damage, but also triggering a secondary effect that lasts for a short period of time after the rune/sigil/ward is sundered. This could have a tanking spec, a dps spec, a healing/support spec even.
was really hoping for necromancer 🙁
Another idea is the concept of a mage type class that has found something like points of power, or a way of channeling the pure power of the different dragon flights, with the flights being divided into the different specs. Whether it would end with the caster/mage being able to take on a dragon-kin transformation or not is up for debate. Yet having a healing spec that is tied between the green an red flights, a caster dps spec between blue an black, with bronze being a support class kinda. Have some class quests or options that allow you to tap into the other flights like the twilight or chromatic might be fun.
I think Evoker is a bad idea. Nature mage is an Elemental Shaman (Lightning Bolt) or a Balance Druid (Wrath). They should just make a new specialization for each class starting with DH, Rogue, Warlock, Hunter, and Mage. Then give one to Shaman, Priest, Warrior, DK. Then later give to DH, Paladin, Druid, and Monk. I bet they might give a new specialization to every class with the expansion giving a dragon-themed specialization with Evoker being the Mage's. Hopefully it's a new role rather than another damage one like a healer evoking max potential of allies healing and preventing damage (but too much like Discipline). Maybe Evoker is a specialization for a new class entirely. Like I've said in multiple posts: I want an Animist (DAoC) class/specialization.