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Can we transfer the flux between alts and toons that would actually need it? Instead of just sitting on 20k+ of flux on one toon
Yeah I just wish this content that was already highly timegated wasn’t more timegated by being one a week. Not everyone has been lucky enough to get a ton of tier gear immediately.
How do you fuck up tier sets?? All the had to do was add them to the regular pvp set and regular raid sets, fuck
Why bother limit it? Why?? If you’ve done content tk get the materials, then boom just let us make it!
do we have to to do the quest so the recharge time start or it will give you charges without unlocking it? cause my sub has expired and i really don't want to buy a token for just doing the quest and quit the game after cause am thinking of returning in 9.2.5 also is it per character or 1 a week for the whole account and does it stack up each week like if i didnt make a tier set item this week do i get 2 charges next week or not
im 13.450/21.000 rep with them and i have 75k cosmic flux in my warrior, so why the hell they dont let me use all that cosmic flux and put all my gear into all tier pieces? why put a stupids barrier for letting you do it only 1 time per week? i had 6 weeks , 6 vaults with 3 wrists 2 rings 1 cloak, never weapons never tier sets!
also why cant we send those sand relics to alts to gear them with 246 from it? i have 4 stacks of 250 of those relics and i dont need them on my main!
also why cant they make the 226ilvl conduits and 239ilvl conduits be account wide? instead of farming rep with ur atls… blizzard need to open their eyes more often for things like this. alts is suppose to be an bonus/extra time you put into use rather then the grinding system in ur main and u cant buy nothing useful for your main! everything in this game should be account wide! because we are paying to keep 1 account open and playable! why grind more shit on top of the shit u just grinded with ur main?
Nice video, but had to downvote because of Overwolf advertising
Great video m8.
Personally i'm done with SL, this stupid time gating in every single system they make is getting on my nerves, i don't want my fkin time wasted.
I love to play alts but it is effectively unplayable currently because of all the arbitrary shit you have to do.
There is absolutely no reason why the campaign in Zereth Mortis couldn't be accountwide, re-grinding the same boring quests for the 10th time ain't really that fun.
I just want to play my character in a somewhat decent state without the need to do shit quests all over again.
I love doing M+ that is what is My preference, let players have the agency to decide what to do in the game or you are going to keep loosing players because if the player cant decide what to do to have fun what is the point of playing the game? The game is supposed to be FUN!
Good news.
Hey, Adapt…i thought im the only one left using this old awesome plugin.
I havent had any iota of interest in shadowlands, and all the blizzard nonsense has really solidified my position. This is neat, but too little, too late. Every expansion should have an equivalent modular mechanic to this going forward. But since they wont, this is just another in a long line of throw-away systems. Such a shame their development cycle is so stunted. Talent wasted.
HAHAHAHHAHAHA still forcing people to wait to, done bye un sub blizz
At least let the cypher gear be able to change. At this point most have those maxed out on some toons
Is there any rep requirements? Or do you need to be caught up in the ZM quest chain? Asking for my alts 😀
it shoulda came out day 1.
The jailer drops ilvl 285 legs, if those would be turned into tier, would they keep the ilvl or turn into mythic hal tier pants at 278
As a filthy casual player I am very happy they are letting us get tear with out doing LFR.
Kinda cringe they would also timegate the creation catalyst.
Can i put my 278 vault item in it?
Cause been doing 8- +15 every week on 3 toon + clearing normal raid and got unlucky as fck
Time gating the creation catalyst, why am i not surprised…
of corse the next patch out, WHEN FF14 IS GONNA POST A NEW PATCH. bliz come on.
Devs have brain damage. Alternatively they are just the incarnation of satan.
No account wide rep no money for u bliz
side note frpm mmochamp
Items and Rewards
Equipment purchased from Rafiq in Pigrim's Grace, Zereth Mortis is now compatible with the Creation Catalyst and can be converted to tier set pieces.
The need to up the ilvl of the sandworn then.
hoping that as of next reset i can use Sandworn Gear to turn into Tier, that would be great, though that might be a 9.2.5 thing, will have to see.
So once again Blizzard punishing the players that don't run mythics and rated pvp and rewarding players that run rated pvp. Really. Its no wonder people stop playing this game. And you don't get it.
nice thats the video i was waiting for
What's the item levels? Like what would an ilvl of 246 get me? Raid finder or normal?
Good system. Two weeks too late, if not more.
Everything sucks anyway. Good luck in 10.0 and death to the boosters
Everything is so backwards just to try to keep it "fresh" just leave it at vendors or boss drop……
Wait only season 4 mythic+ gear? Or was that a typo?
more systems which we never asked for nor want as per usual, just fucking add Vaalor and Justice bag along with tokens, so much more simpler.
Does anyone know in regards to PvP gear, if it’s only going to accept gladiator gear? Or if aspirant gear with work too
wish had known this about the sand relic gear a few weeks ago. I just bought it for transmog and vendored after 2hrs.
What transmog appearance will the converted Sandworn gear have? LFR tier or Normal tier appearance?
Thanks for the time you put in your content. Take care!
Wait, Curse is back? Wasn´t it swallowed by Twitch and then twitch shut down?
"Bracers and cloaks cost 600 cosmic flux" wait, can we have bracers and cloaks making up part of the tier set?
There are no bracers / boots tier pieces, what will they become if you upgrade a 278 pair of bracers in it ?
´how do you upgrade pvp tier items? rating and honor?
Why can I convert bracers and cloaks?
Not only has this come too late, but they've also managed to include time gating via Catalyst charges. Why am I not surprised?
Had to laugh at that Fugeal Cache addon at the beginning, it would take 10 times longer to fill out that addon than to just solve the cache
Hi! What is the addon that shows the iLvl in each slot in the Character window and adds the amoubt of gold needed for repairs?