In World of Warcraft Shadowlands we have already lost Sylvanas and Zovaal to bad writing, Baine does nothing and Thrall seems to not find a place in the cast, …
21 thoughts on “Danuser's NEXT VICTIM | Next WoW Character to get RUINED!”
i do agree with a redo. Like, they could do that for the whole shadowlands, and make this a freaking nightmare, like the "hero" was captured after all by the jailer and all this was a the nightmare the hero had to endure as they were tormented. No i dont want to say that all this did not happen. all this did happen, but this could give them the chance to deliver something better to try and save the freaking lore. They could even reward all the players that played all this time, by keeping several if not all the things they have unlocked as they kept supporting the game, even throughout this nightmare.
Remember when Chronicles was advertised as the Warcraft Universe Bible? Danuser made retcons in order to tell the story he wanted to tell in his own universe with the whole Grimoire of the Shadowlands and beyond. He doesn't want to accept that Warcraft is not his universe to do whatever the fuck he wants. That's why zones and characters (villains) that deserved their own expansions were just one patch content because he want to introduce his own characters and his own rules. Sadly, he didn't do that in an organic way. Now, a lot of players hate the narrative, why the did I buy a collection of books telling me this is how the Warcraft works so suddendly a new guy apperas to tell me that those books are not cannon at all? Why should I care about the lore anymore?
The same goes for Christie Golden. Yes, I know she wrote Lord of the Clans and so on, but many of those books are based on devs ask her to write about. There's not enough freedom right now. Also, she killed Krasus and Rhonin, both characters were the main characters for many Richard A. Knaak's books.
There's seems to be a constant theme about WoW lore that plagues it That theme is moral relativism. Characters, races, or whatever, can't just be objectively evil and everyone/everything is redeemable. Thing is, there is no emotional satisfaction with that. Those that commit great acts of evil should suffer the consequences of their deeds. Arthas was a great example of this and that bastard deserved to enter oblivion upon his final demise upon ice crown. That should be the end of his story and what a tragic, but terrific story it was. Arthas was WoW's villain and he was a fantastic one.
Illidan was a good redemption arch. He was a dickhead and did very evil things during the war of the ancients, but his end goal was to ultimately defeat the legion. Thus he became WoW's antihero bad boy and the dude was popular. While him being the warden of Sargeras was aight, I felt like he could have gotten a better ending. Regardless, Illidan as a character was ultimately vindicated and a good example.
Garrosh was a good example of Blizz's attempt at moral relativism. Dude was a villain to the Alliance but a leader of strength to the orcs. You know why he did what he did and he knew that you knew. But he didn't care. So it was understandable that the consequences of his actions resulted in him being tried for punishment and ultimately killed by Thrall himself.
Compare that to how they have written Sylvannas. Sylvannas was on her way to become another one of WoW's great villains. Only difference was that she would have been a villain that you would have more sympathy for compared to Arthas. But no, she instead is privy to some great plan that no one knows about and secretly gains all this power off-screen. Then she goes on to commit mass murder for no good reason. She has also betrayed the Horde, likely doesn't care about her own followers, and is in league with the main bad guy of SL. But is she going to face any consequences for it? Nope. Lol She's gonna get a bullshit redemption when she deserves to be kept in chains and bound to service for eternity. Such would be justice for her. Or she can be butchered repeatedly.
I swear the wow writers create the story mad libs style. they write the story but leave sections open so they can just insert stuff at a later date. like "Insert Character Name Here", then throw darts at a board covered in random character names.
I don't think killing off all the problematic characters and replacing them with brand new ones will work. If you think about it they basically did that with the villains and enemy factions of BFA. The 5th Old God, Azshara, Nazjatar, N'zoth, Ny'alotha, the Black Empire, the faction war (basically we are our own enemies) – all of it rushed through at breakneck speed and resolved asap so they could move on to their own stuff, and their own stuff is Shadowlands with Baldie McNipples also known as the Jailer. The fact that these iconic characters still exist and haven't been axed yet is the only reason why a sliver of hope still remain imo.
Danuser: So Kel'thuzad this entire time has not been Arthas friend, and has been serving the Jailer this entire time gunshot Danuser: everyone is pawns of Denathrius and Zovaal gunshot Danuser: Arthas and Ner'zhul are just plebs and serve Zovaal forever with no payoffs for them gunshot Danuser: Wait why is the game limping now, I don't get it 🤡
I find Warhammer 40k way easier to retcon, because the universe is so big and is filled with disinformation. I don't know how they could pull it off with WoW. I played WoW on P Server for a bit, I hope that your game will get better.
Many characters have been emasculated to bring Syl's redemption plot to life. All that could be a good story that would satisfy everyone. All so a simp could force their fanfic through our throats. I fear for Anduin and the other characters who are still in the alliance, as they will certainly humiliate them in some way, as was done with Bolvar. I don't know what the future of Danuser will be and frankly I don't care as long as it doesn't relate to any other warcraft characters. Have Mercy!🤡
I keep saying… Ion Hazzikostas and Steve Danuser did to WoW what Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson did to Star Wars.
They have taken a beloved franchise… lovingly crafted over many years by truly visionary talent… then they pretty much deconstructed it so they could twist it into their own inferior product that is little more than a shell of what it once was.
Blizzard is in sore need of some writing talent that love and care for Metzen's original vision the way that Dave Filoni loves and cares for the original vision of George Lucas.
A lot of characters got Danuser'ed, but I think his handling of Elune was most egregious. You're really telling me someone with associations to multiple cosmological forces, someone considered the longest running enigmatic mystery in WoW Lore, someone who Metzen considered WoW's only true deity (so it's been said), was revealed as a sister to a B-List Character of a D-List Expansion?
I remember back in Wrath we used to joke about Knaak the Hack…but even he has nothing on Danuser…that man needs to find a new career because writing isn't it.
What's so weird was that after NZoth, I was like this just has to be 'apart of this vision' he's showing us. I really hope this is an old God trick, and even if Shadowlands was supposed to move the story just to find out it failed, they can always retcon it and say well this was one of the possibilities, but the hero did 'y' instead of 'x'.
i do agree with a redo. Like, they could do that for the whole shadowlands, and make this a freaking nightmare, like the "hero" was captured after all by the jailer and all this was a the nightmare the hero had to endure as they were tormented.
No i dont want to say that all this did not happen. all this did happen, but this could give them the chance to deliver something better to try and save the freaking lore. They could even reward all the players that played all this time, by keeping several if not all the things they have unlocked as they kept supporting the game, even throughout this nightmare.
BFA was the next WoD, Shadowlands is the 3rd. WoD would of gone down as MoP level expansion if they didnt cut the content.
Baine sitting and doing nothing for a whole expansion seems to be a pretty go contender as Danuser danusering him.
Remember when Chronicles was advertised as the Warcraft Universe Bible? Danuser made retcons in order to tell the story he wanted to tell in his own universe with the whole Grimoire of the Shadowlands and beyond. He doesn't want to accept that Warcraft is not his universe to do whatever the fuck he wants. That's why zones and characters (villains) that deserved their own expansions were just one patch content because he want to introduce his own characters and his own rules. Sadly, he didn't do that in an organic way. Now, a lot of players hate the narrative, why the did I buy a collection of books telling me this is how the Warcraft works so suddendly a new guy apperas to tell me that those books are not cannon at all? Why should I care about the lore anymore?
The same goes for Christie Golden. Yes, I know she wrote Lord of the Clans and so on, but many of those books are based on devs ask her to write about. There's not enough freedom right now. Also, she killed Krasus and Rhonin, both characters were the main characters for many Richard A. Knaak's books.
There's seems to be a constant theme about WoW lore that plagues it That theme is moral relativism. Characters, races, or whatever, can't just be objectively evil and everyone/everything is redeemable. Thing is, there is no emotional satisfaction with that. Those that commit great acts of evil should suffer the consequences of their deeds. Arthas was a great example of this and that bastard deserved to enter oblivion upon his final demise upon ice crown. That should be the end of his story and what a tragic, but terrific story it was. Arthas was WoW's villain and he was a fantastic one.
Illidan was a good redemption arch. He was a dickhead and did very evil things during the war of the ancients, but his end goal was to ultimately defeat the legion. Thus he became WoW's antihero bad boy and the dude was popular. While him being the warden of Sargeras was aight, I felt like he could have gotten a better ending. Regardless, Illidan as a character was ultimately vindicated and a good example.
Garrosh was a good example of Blizz's attempt at moral relativism. Dude was a villain to the Alliance but a leader of strength to the orcs. You know why he did what he did and he knew that you knew. But he didn't care. So it was understandable that the consequences of his actions resulted in him being tried for punishment and ultimately killed by Thrall himself.
Compare that to how they have written Sylvannas. Sylvannas was on her way to become another one of WoW's great villains. Only difference was that she would have been a villain that you would have more sympathy for compared to Arthas. But no, she instead is privy to some great plan that no one knows about and secretly gains all this power off-screen. Then she goes on to commit mass murder for no good reason. She has also betrayed the Horde, likely doesn't care about her own followers, and is in league with the main bad guy of SL. But is she going to face any consequences for it? Nope. Lol She's gonna get a bullshit redemption when she deserves to be kept in chains and bound to service for eternity. Such would be justice for her. Or she can be butchered repeatedly.
I swear the wow writers create the story mad libs style. they write the story but leave sections open so they can just insert stuff at a later date. like "Insert Character Name Here", then throw darts at a board covered in random character names.
I don't think killing off all the problematic characters and replacing them with brand new ones will work. If you think about it they basically did that with the villains and enemy factions of BFA. The 5th Old God, Azshara, Nazjatar, N'zoth, Ny'alotha, the Black Empire, the faction war (basically we are our own enemies) – all of it rushed through at breakneck speed and resolved asap so they could move on to their own stuff, and their own stuff is Shadowlands with Baldie McNipples also known as the Jailer. The fact that these iconic characters still exist and haven't been axed yet is the only reason why a sliver of hope still remain imo.
Danuser: So Kel'thuzad this entire time has not been Arthas friend, and has been serving the Jailer this entire time
Danuser: everyone is pawns of Denathrius and Zovaal
Danuser: Arthas and Ner'zhul are just plebs and serve Zovaal forever with no payoffs for them
Danuser: Wait why is the game limping now, I don't get it 🤡
FF players: terrified the writers will kill a major character in the next expansion.
WoW players: bracing for the writers to destroy another major character in the next expansion
It honestly hurts…
I find Warhammer 40k way easier to retcon, because the universe is so big and is filled with disinformation. I don't know how they could pull it off with WoW. I played WoW on P Server for a bit, I hope that your game will get better.
Many characters have been emasculated to bring Syl's redemption plot to life. All that could be a good story that would satisfy everyone. All so a simp could force their fanfic through our throats. I fear for Anduin and the other characters who are still in the alliance, as they will certainly humiliate them in some way, as was done with Bolvar. I don't know what the future of Danuser will be and frankly I don't care as long as it doesn't relate to any other warcraft characters. Have Mercy!🤡
I vote we sack Steve danuser and replace him with brandon sanderson at any cost
I keep saying… Ion Hazzikostas and Steve Danuser did to WoW what Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson did to Star Wars.
They have taken a beloved franchise… lovingly crafted over many years by truly visionary talent… then they pretty much deconstructed it so they could twist it into their own inferior product that is little more than a shell of what it once was.
Blizzard is in sore need of some writing talent that love and care for Metzen's original vision the way that Dave Filoni loves and cares for the original vision of George Lucas.
I'm so sad about jaina I really liked her but blizzard doesn't know what to do with her. Just lik with sylvanas now
My 2 favourite characters lmao
A lot of characters got Danuser'ed, but I think his handling of Elune was most egregious. You're really telling me someone with associations to multiple cosmological forces, someone considered the longest running enigmatic mystery in WoW Lore, someone who Metzen considered WoW's only true deity (so it's been said), was revealed as a sister to a B-List Character of a D-List Expansion?
I remember back in Wrath we used to joke about Knaak the Hack…but even he has nothing on Danuser…that man needs to find a new career because writing isn't it.
I want to see Thrall get built up again but it seems like he's being relegated to uselessness for the foreseeable future
having it just be a dream, would be a two fold victory in adding weight to an underwhelming bfa finale, while simultaneously undoing shadowlands.
What's so weird was that after NZoth, I was like this just has to be 'apart of this vision' he's showing us. I really hope this is an old God trick, and even if Shadowlands was supposed to move the story just to find out it failed, they can always retcon it and say well this was one of the possibilities, but the hero did 'y' instead of 'x'.
What do you mean the next character to be ruined aren't they all ruined
"limping for the finish line" is a very good description. lol