Delve loot in Warcraft May be too Rewarding

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Delve loot in Warcraft May be too Rewarding #worldofwarcraft #warwithin #warcraft #mmorpg #mmo #gamer #gaming #twitchclips


47 thoughts on “Delve loot in Warcraft May be too Rewarding”

  1. Because of delves, you don't need to run mythics and definitely not normal raid. Their set bonuses barely do shit anymore. People will continue to do delves because they're getting hero gear in their vault. They literally made guilds stale and less people want to waste time running mythics and the mythic raid needs nerfs hardcore which are coming and heroic raid barely needs to be done because of delves. So glad they time gated so that we really have nothing to do. You don't even need bis pieces. Just get different pieces with the same Stat weights and your dmg will still be fine. No need to min max at this point. The game can literally be solo'd now.

  2. You can just run delves, do world bosses catalyst gear. Farm for upgrades, craft some gear. Easily hit 610 item level and do 0 raids and 0 mythics. Then go run some mythics if youre bored. Easily clear 7s for hero gear and If you cant average 1 mil dmg over the course of the dungeon then youre either bad, BM hunter or fire mage. Plus your vault gets you hero gear from delves. Its too easy to play alone now. Nobody in this chat is clearing mythic raid until its nerfed heavily and even then i dont believe you if you said you cleared it. This game just killed guild activity. My guild is very active but not actively doing what we use to do. Mythics nightly, raids, alt raids/mythics. Dont need to do any of it anynore as a casual. The gear is too good from delves. This is the one time i agree with this guy. Ive gotten 6 alts to 610 and they pump/tank. My main is higher but i put more time into farming for upgrades.

  3. Also the lower the gear is the faster noone cares about delves
    Give delves an edge and higher tiers than 11, make them a myth 1/6 vault (like a tier 13 15ish delve)

    Thst will make delves last the season.
    Not the zekvir nerfs so every casual can beat it with half decent gear

    The champion items / hero vault is also not gonna make delves last long.. for that we have M+ which has a better vault and rewards alot more crests

    All that saying "delves should last a season" – 100% agree but they will last even shorter with lower rewards

  4. I think the loot inside is good but vault reward is equal to a +7. People gonna tell me it's easy. Not for me. I though i was gonna do m+ with a friend with stuff from delves and getting better reward at +5 but know you need to do +8 to better 2 delves at 8(616). Stuff cap at +10(623)…

  5. If you play even slightly more than the average casual, you outgear delves within a week. There is literally nothing I could get from delves that would be an upgrade. And I’ve only done a few keys up to +10.

  6. I would rather get my gear from raiding. I don't care about item level. It's all about skill. I took some of my guild's to do a normal raid they had higher item level than me from doing delves. But guess who did not die on every boss lol

  7. They should make so all type of content can reach the same end game item lvl.
    Delves, m+ and raids. Should be scaled for this aim. The harder diff the better reward. Maybe a +10 delve could be a tier 14 delve as example.
    Because not everyone enjoys m+ or raiding. Personaly i ebjoy m+ the most but I know social friends who lose motivation because of the difference in gear uppgrades between this 3.

  8. I like it how it is. If im lucky i get a 2hr solid run a day and get my WOW fix. But Im married now with a young family so they get most of my attention gladly. So leave the delves alone please hahaha. Love ya vids man cheers 🤟👍👌

  9. Can we stop whining about delve loot? I don’t want to go into toxic mythic groups and suffer for loot. Let people enjoy the game. The whole point is that you can play solo or group or raid or pvp and get loot. What’s the problem? Mythic + players: you made your toxic bed, been assholes to others, now lie in it.


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