Read more about Shadowlands ➜
1:02 – Overview
3:18 – Race
3:33 – Talents
5:08 – PvP talents
6:56 – Covenant
7:28 – Soulbinds
8:13 – Conduits
9:24 – Legendary
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You guys really should have mentioned the momentum build with the erratic fel core legendary that reduces the fel rush cd by 30%. Throw in unbound chaos and mortal rush talents and its a fairly decent pvp build.
Karma is Coming, Nerf DHs….
While I really like your knowledge and video style – you need to talk about strong talents or covenants etc that you don't choose. Just saying "this is the best. moving on…" is kinda lame because it gives us NO context. Take a moment and explain why and what the others may offer. Otherwise it might as well be a list.
how do I get this ui it is very clean especialy the nameplates
Everybody that thinks demon hunters are going to be garbage are tripping, much like the shadow priest wait until the game launches and all of a sudden demon hunters are going to be gods again
He is fine …
Does this shit even need a guide? just press what ever is available in spell book lmao.
Great videos! Looking forward to the feral one 😀
4:37 why?
It doesn't make sense to me…is there some hidden reasoning behind it being the "clear winner".
TLDR; "Do your pve rotation same as always"
It hurts their soul to not be able to say Human / Orc.
My biggest problem with DH PvP is the lack of a baseline slow, why do I need to talent into one and give up a stun? Some might say DH doesn't need a slow with all their mobility, yeah ok Rogues and Monks are mobile too and they have slows…
i dont know main warrior or dh mmm
Your new videos are so helpful and really well created/edited and narrated. I love the end product. Keep it up like that and i see a great future for this channel.
What is the name of the nameplate addon
Survival Hunter PvP guide pls… Thx!
Chuckled when he said "DH lacks a lot of damage output" meanwhile Tren's details are sitting there with double the damage of the opponent lol
Sooo happy this 2 button spec can't just dump damage for no skill. Good luck out there kids of wow
There is a difference between percentage and percentage points. You use percentage incorrectly in this video. Example: The leech has not been nerfed with 5%, but with 50%!
Why the f would you go demonic appetite in arena rofl 🤣 hard disagree
Good riddance!
Eye beam one better than inner demons or giant demon?
Obviously the best Demon Hunter Race is Tauren 🐃 for the extra racial stun and 2% extra critical damage when spamming Chaos Strike.
What about Sephuz's Proclamation for legendary on… basically every class? Is it not competitive in comparison to burst legendaries?
OP class gets tuned….ohh no…. “you now have to pay attention to your health” ?
So what do people suggest: DH or WW for walking dead?
hey, is DH good atm in shadowlands? thx for answer
Now if only DH hadn't been reduced to shaman levels of durability.
good video
Came here to check which race is the best
so basically they nerfed DH so much…that is basically useless????nerfed defense-and offence by hella lot….. is it even worth playing anymore???
Lawl dh damage has been toned down. Shows 8k burst and 6k sustained damage
How the fuck does sinful brand synergies well when meta is on a fucking 5 minute cool down lmao