Demon Hunter Shadowlands 9.0 Guide | Best Race, Talents, Covenants, Soulbinds & Legendaries

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1:02 – Overview
3:18 – Race
3:33 – Talents
5:08 – PvP talents
6:56 – Covenant
7:28 – Soulbinds
8:13 – Conduits
9:24 – Legendary

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34 thoughts on “Demon Hunter Shadowlands 9.0 Guide | Best Race, Talents, Covenants, Soulbinds & Legendaries”

  1. You guys really should have mentioned the momentum build with the erratic fel core legendary that reduces the fel rush cd by 30%. Throw in unbound chaos and mortal rush talents and its a fairly decent pvp build.

  2. While I really like your knowledge and video style – you need to talk about strong talents or covenants etc that you don't choose. Just saying "this is the best. moving on…" is kinda lame because it gives us NO context. Take a moment and explain why and what the others may offer. Otherwise it might as well be a list.

  3. Everybody that thinks demon hunters are going to be garbage are tripping, much like the shadow priest wait until the game launches and all of a sudden demon hunters are going to be gods again

  4. My biggest problem with DH PvP is the lack of a baseline slow, why do I need to talent into one and give up a stun? Some might say DH doesn't need a slow with all their mobility, yeah ok Rogues and Monks are mobile too and they have slows…


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