Demonology Warlock – Basic Arena Guide | Shadowlands |

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Here is what I have come up with so far with the first few days of arena being live in Shadowlands! Hope you guys find this helpful!
#Demonology #Warlock #Shadowlands

Focus Fear Macro:
/cast [target=focus, exists] fear; fear

Focus Pet Stun Macro:
/cast [target=focus, exists] command demon; command demon;

Demonic Strength Burst Macro:
#showtooltip demonic strength
/use Sinful Aspirant’s Badge of Ferocity
/cast blood fury
/cast demonic strength

Pet Summon Macro:
/cast fel domination
/cast summon felguard


42 thoughts on “Demonology Warlock – Basic Arena Guide | Shadowlands |”

  1. This gameplay gets my hopes up for playing demo in arenas but its pretty low rating so would love to see some games at a higher rating in the coming weeks, if that's what you plan on doing!

  2. First expansion I’ve delved into warlock and am loving it, been playing destro but been wanting to try demo out since I don’t see it much might throw off some competition and it looks fun, thank you for this guide!

  3. Thank you so much for that video! I played destro and affli before and never thought about demonology tbh, because I thought it was pretty hard n tricky, especially for arena. Well, nevertheless. I am trying out now, setting my talents and hotkeys while watching your stuff here. What I am parallely thinking about is the stats. Actually, I have 24% haste, 22% versatility. The question I have is, yould it make sense to increase the value of crit-chance instead of haste? We do not have any dots or much things to "cast", not thinking bout the global CDs, in my eyes a higher crit-chance might increase the cleve burst. What do you think about it? Thank you very much for your reply! Best regards from Germany (dantheman#21433)


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