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Here is my overview of all the Warlock/Demo Legendaries, and my plans for which ones I am upgrading first. I did not go over Pillars of the Dark Portal Legendary as I feel it is a little meh and only useful in very specific situations – I currently don’t plan on crafting this one til the very end, if at all.
0:00 – Intro
0:47 – Implosive Potential
2:34 – Grim Inquisitor’s Dread Calling
4:26 – Horned Nightmare
6:37 – Balespider’s Burning Core
8:28 – Wilfred’s
11:25 – Claw of Endereth
13:16 – Relic of Demonic Synergy
15:15 – Long Term Plan
16:07 – Short Term Plan
18:05 – Outro
#Demonology #Warlock #Legendary
How many times do I say "Legendary" in this video? Also strongly considering just going full commitment on Demonic Synergy because I prefer pvp – so many decisions! What are your plans?
Thanks Wu wu wu…
good video, the intro is way too loud tho
good content
Full wilfred's because m+ and timing wise, I want to try balespider but I'm not necrolord
Thx for this Video. I've been struggling a while with the legendarys. I'm running horned nightmare, but i don't like the rng part. Now i'm just saving my Soul Ash to test some other leggys 🙂
Keep it up and greetz from germany!
Off topic but where did you get your back piece from?
Another great video. I was just wondering this all myself. I was not to impressed with the implosion one. So I'm waiting for the right torghast wings so I can make the horned nightmare. Gg keep up the good work! 😊
Great video as always! Perhaps some explanation about demonology stats and trinkets would be awesome. Keep up the good work!
Perfect timing on this! Gd vid
Love Forces of the Horned Nightmare because you can use it for so many things
Key runs
Love about demon + Forces of the Horned Nightmare even you get make mistake and get stun or silence in dung you stil do so much dps thx to so many imps you have up
I just wish you see 2 demonic meteor coming down and not one.
I was realy curious for your take on 'Pillars of the Dark Portal' (in PvP obviously since it does nothing for damage) I'm having a lot of trouble being bursted down in seconds and was wondering if this was a viable way to get out of those big openers.
does Grimoir:felguard trigger the the dmg boost of ''relic of demonic synergy'' @Wuwi?
Hey bud,
Will You upload some footages of m+ with implosion legendary ?
Would be wonderful to see it.
How do you feel about taking soul conduit over Grimoire felgaurd while using wilfred's sigil?
Hey Wuwi, what are your thoughts on utilizing GrimFel and Vilefiend when NOT using Wilfred's in raids? Is it best to hold Tyrant so that VF and GrimFel line up every time, or is it more worthwhile to just use Tyrant and Vilefiend on cooldown, while letting GrimFel be used for every other Tyrant cast. Hope my explanation made sense. Using Horned Nightmare as my leggo right now.
Good video, what covenant did you go with?
just the info i have been thinking about. thx for video
have you gone over covenants and conduits yet?
Thank you for this man, keep up the great content!!
Really appreciate these guides that answer specific questions. Demo is certainly a nuanced spec that leaves a lot to be asked.
I just wish the doggo build was better. Like if they buffed the conduit a tiny bit, and made the bonus of From the Shadows be shadow/shadowflame so dreadbite reprocs for the bonus.
Imagine having imp plosion leggo in Torghast when you have the Hand of Guldan epic anima trait. I have 50+ imps at one time! implosion those and get tons of haste! but thats super situational.
So currently I started as Affliction. I am Night fae covenant. But I have been playing Demonology as it plays way more fun and interactive. Should I switch to Necro as a covenant? Soul ort/life drain doesnt seen too useful as demo.
Where can I get your UI man??? Do you have a waigo page or something awesome vids!
great, thanks!
I did the forces of horned nightmare lego. I regret it. Boring legendary and you never know if it procced or not. Plus…3 more imps? Their damage is negligible anyway. Grim inquisitors dread calling has some serious power
Subscribed!! You have the best, most in-depth Demo lock guides and I'm sooo grateful. No other YouTuber seems to play this spec and this is so helpful. I started off with Demo at level 1 when I first started playing WoW, first spec I ever picked, because I loved the idea of having a demon army. I never seemed to be able to pull ahead in DPS though…Until I started watching your videos. I'm now #1 or #2 in DPS in mythics even against the big classes like hunters, and I'm raiding next Wednesday and have my legendary so hopefully all goes well. Thank you for showing me how to get the most out of this spec!!!!!! <3
Bro that intro is way too loud
Pressed "like" at 4:53 because, IMPlication
Just imagine 2 legendaries on 9.1 and we go Implosive Potential and Horned Nightmare together! That would be huge on M+
I made my lock less than a week ago, and my first Lego was demonic synergy cause it seemed good for all three at the times, would you say I should make horned nightmare today or upgrade synergy to 210