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In this video I go over everything you need to know for playing Destruction Warlock in Shadow Lands.
0:00 Intro
0:29 Legendary Preference
4:49 Conduits/ Covenant Choice
13:54 Gearing/Stats and Trinkets
17:00 Macro/Talents and Damage Rotation
31:12 Exit and Thanks!
World Boss Link
Have you tried playing destro basically like an affliction warlock: skip focused chaos and maybe use cremation, fel fissure or another defense mechanism. I'm just asking if anyone even tries anymore without focused chaos
So i can play warlock dest venthyr with no prob? Its not wrong choice?
That legendary seems a little weak in arenas particularly. Chances you get two chaos bolts off in a row aren't in your favor.
Mmm, I agree with a ton about what you're saying and I am very interested to test out that infernal build I personally have been running grimoire of sac a lot of games to get my voidwalkers max health ability since we are getting focused so hard. I also am personally going Versatility>Mastery>Haste for the Fatty Chaos Bolts. I also noticed at the end your infernals immolate was hitting 3 targets the entire time so the dmg from it is only 1/3 of what it was perceived in this video. Very informative video, thank you so much for making it!!!
Any info on the macros? Not to familiar with how to type them out
Hello i like ur videos i woul like to know what's the best choice for enchant arms for pvp pls ?
how do you get your Spells GREEN is that a glyph or something?
Can we have your macro. Because i copy and use
i am completly new to WOW so this helped alot thanks ^^
Do you have link to Weakauras ?? i need the setup of ur WA
Destro gang, rise up!
eMMUlate 😀
Anyone else hear “condom” twice after the 8 minute mark?