Destruction Warlock PVP Guide Shadowlands (Covenants, Conduits and More!)

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In this video I go over everything you need to know for playing Destruction Warlock in Shadow Lands.
0:00 Intro
0:29 Legendary Preference
4:49 Conduits/ Covenant Choice
13:54 Gearing/Stats and Trinkets
17:00 Macro/Talents and Damage Rotation
31:12 Exit and Thanks!

World Boss Link


15 thoughts on “Destruction Warlock PVP Guide Shadowlands (Covenants, Conduits and More!)”

  1. Have you tried playing destro basically like an affliction warlock: skip focused chaos and maybe use cremation, fel fissure or another defense mechanism. I'm just asking if anyone even tries anymore without focused chaos

  2. Mmm, I agree with a ton about what you're saying and I am very interested to test out that infernal build I personally have been running grimoire of sac a lot of games to get my voidwalkers max health ability since we are getting focused so hard. I also am personally going Versatility>Mastery>Haste for the Fatty Chaos Bolts. I also noticed at the end your infernals immolate was hitting 3 targets the entire time so the dmg from it is only 1/3 of what it was perceived in this video. Very informative video, thank you so much for making it!!!


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