Did Legendaries Die Already? | The Shadowlands Gold Cap Challenge | Day 8

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31 thoughts on “Did Legendaries Die Already? | The Shadowlands Gold Cap Challenge | Day 8”

  1. Thanks so much for talking about the 60/20 method. Done 5 rotations of it in the last 24hours and made very good gold with it. And I'm definitely noticing that I'm going to have to buy more nightshade for sure.

  2. Love the series man, made a cheeky 500k with legendary's altho so many people are selling under crafting cost if they dont sell it in 1 hour of panic… ruin the market to make some nice gold with that….

  3. Unfortunately for my server LW legos mats > than product and getting lower and Callous Hide is only a few gold less difference than Heavy so the effort to put into that is better spent on older content farming. I can't even profit off of creating blues to send to my DE toon because the mats to generate the blues out cost the enchant products :/

  4. The problem i have with shadowlands professions is that in my opinion it seems that they frontloaded all of the potential. Looking through recipes and options there doesn't seem to be much that will be desirable or profitable past these first few weeks with only a few exceptions.

  5. So after my comment on your last video iv discovered which server you are on, after also doing 60:30 milling and posting i saw your alt bregs banks had some posted also 😛 so hello neighbor and fellow competition

    keep up the great vids and grats on 40k

  6. Breg, is your crafting cost and profit values right? My profit on e.g Boneshatter gauntlets might say 15k but in reality when I check the mat prices it’s even in the minus range haha.. any idea why? Never been like this the previous expansions!

  7. I did some sniping on the AH today just for fun and I saw many very cheap legendary stuff, I'm not sure what's going on there, I didn't dare invest in that.
    10:00 be careful with these. the one you see there is called a "AH bait". people will post 1 of something for 1 gold and then someone comes on the AH after a day of farming and just blindly undercuts with their AH macro and then they snap those up for cheap. Studen Albatross posted a video about this. personally I think this is scamming people, but some do this. so be careful, so that is what that 1 hide was for 1 gold there. it's a bait, to see if anyone bites.
    if you run the Ah siper you will also catch these baiters as they post their lure and you can buy them as they post them so they will have to keep posting and lose gold., so just run the AH sniper with TSM and watch a movie or something on your other monitor while you rip of the scam baiters with your TSM sniper.

  8. Where my mind is at I’m mass storing materials to try to cash in on raid day launch, as well as Mythic raid launch. My plan is to flip them into flasks, potions, and other consumables. I like to future cast a bit more than I should but it seems to be the only thing logical to me right now left to truly capitalize on.

  9. Hello im a little newbie in gold making, i started with skinning made 100k and now i dropped it and doin herb/mining now i want to combine them with other professions to make the maximum amount of gold that i can make which professions should i take?


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