Did The War Within MEET Player Expectations?

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Did The War Within MEET Player Expectations? #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #mmorpg #mmo #gamer #gaming #twitchclips


30 thoughts on “Did The War Within MEET Player Expectations?”

  1. Taking way too long for fixes. Every thing should have been fixed pre launch. That's what beta is for. Inexcusable and no factual reason the game should be in such a bad spot. Player count is down.

  2. World quest rewards are trash, resonance crystals are unworthy, valorstone use is limited. Should add crafting reagents, crafting recipes, o should add something interesting to spend the resonance crystals

  3. Yeah, m+ is my main point of contention with this expansion. I really like the setting and the way the game feels again. Delves are awesome, but the friends I used to push keys with don’t play anymore. And the guild I was in all have cliques that they run with so it’s been really hard to find a good group to push keys.

  4. I like your positive attitude. I think functionality is pretty good I just really miss the friction of the classic scene. I want to feel like I'm accomplishing something. I want to have to strategize and understand enemy abilities instead of Zug Zug. I'm aware of the mythic scene supposedly offers that but it's so full of toxicity it's just not fun.

  5. M+ is easy with a group who hits their buttons. People who struggle are almost certainly not using their entire kits, or are playing with people dont. Additionally, why are people so concerned about not clearing 8,9,10s in week one or two? Chill, 95% of people will clear high keys when they have gear to account for their plethora of mistakes..

    Blizz needs to let it sit for a bit so people can adjust. There is plenty of content and gear going around right now that anyone complaining is just whiney

  6. They made M+ less rewarding. When you do that, you get less engagement. And yes, shifting the rewards up 2 levels means you’re raising the water level. When you raise the water level, people drown. The M+ gear curve is no smooth, and therefore you can get stuck without any means of progressing until crest caps are removed. Current crest cap on Runed is low per week, so you can’t solve your problems with ilvl and time as much as you used to.

    I don’t see why they needed to change a structure that wasn’t broken. Can’t get 8s? Grind 6s for crests. Can’t get 10s? Grind 8s for myth gear in your vault. Normal progression then stops at 2500 because the rewards end, and the hardcores can push beyond.

    I want to be able to stop the M+ grind but still farm 6-8 for gilded and myth so I can start pushing AOTC. It was such a smooth progression in DF as a DPS player.

  7. Man, he hits it in the spot with this one. I love mythic+ since legion, but something about them in the feet within feels off. I thought it might be the gear(610+) or new mechanics just being so much more deadly. But it's really not it. The dungeons feel mid af and kinda annoying in every part. Raiding has been more fun for sure and delving.


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