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HEEEY we are back at it again. The wheel has spoken and i don’t know about you guys, but i’m ready to send this puppy flying.
Hope you enjoy the rather chill first episode to set us up for further fun and i will see you on next friday, instead of saturday.
Keep it up and take care!
Go and Follow you Sheep:
Link to self-invite yourself to the EU Community server in WoW for both factions:
Mythic+ Talents i used:
Raid Talents i used:
0:00 Intro / Recap
1:47 The Wheel starts!
3:23 Final Spin
3:55 Character Creation + Prequest
5:53 Rules of this Challenge
9:44 Rambling over. Or is it?
11:34 Weekly Quest and LFR
13:37 Prep-Vault and LFR
15:09 Outro
WTB your luck one day
Not going to tell you how you should make your videos, but I would like them so much more if they were longer. They feel like recaps, not actual episodes.
Evoker! Fuck yes! Juicy puke dragon healer that's what a expected
Very nice and very cool
I am one of the 5 other Americans watching your channel. Also mained Preservation for like two seasons. I can’t wait to see this shit.
yes it counts as a fursona
I know it I ám looking forward for this series
Got so spoiled with the 3k goal but I guess I can settle 😅for
Only thing I will say is that staff and blossom of amir is meta / BIS
Nooooo evoker… Okay, gl. I'll see you in the next one 😀
Oh boyyyyy good luck! Can't wait to see you grow into the class! Never touched it myself but am very curious! Good luck my German neighbour! ❤️
I really like your commentary, makes me laugh! (and after today I needed that laugh, so special thanks!)
Welp got my lock to 70 this week and went trough lfr, normal and half of heroic without a single item and without rolling more than a fucking 39. This was a pretty depressing week c:
Im hyped!
How was grouping with a bonafide german celebrity like Mr. Goebbels?
ooooo cant wait to see how this one turns out! 😀 i played a decent bit of pres in season 1 but i was terrible at it lmao
Hol-e Dractyr. Because of.. the hole. Ah nevermind. You got it. gl & hf
The goat becomes the kitty first, now he’s a lizard… still waiting for goat form.
The seedling is absolutely bis for mistweaver. It does an inhuman amount of healing. Though i doubt it'll be good for pres because you dont have as much single target healz
I main a pres evoker so I'm so looking forward to this. It is definitely a lot to figure out but I have faith!
I think they’re called scalies. A uhh friend told me
Super excited for this series! One thing that I feel that not enough people know about is that when you have a low ilvl vault on a low ilvl character, such as a fresh 70, something else that you can do is instead of taking a 450 ilvl piece, is take the tokens, then buy 45 wyrm crests from the vendor next to the vault, then turn those into a nascent crest for crafting and get yourself a 476 crafted piece (if you get someone to rank 5 it).
Am I the only Brazilian who watch your vids? Shout out if there's another over here!
Love to watch your series kussi, keep it up
the deep adventures of anustrasza, enjoy the challenge homie <3
Favorite part of the week,
it’s crazy all my favorite wow YouTubers and streamers are not in US … sad face
yoo wie lautet der drill beat ab 1:24 @Kussi_Slayer
i have a burning hatred for evoker but if you're having fun I'm fine with it.
man i love that it is the evoker 😂 can already see the rage about the range
I am REALLY excited to see how you will find Prevoker… I played it for a bit and while I really enjoyed the Echo healing style I really couldn't get over the 25 yard range.. it made bosses (especially in everbloom) really annoying when you played with ranged who stood in narnia.. I'm curious how will you cope with it
I honestly laughed out loud with the name ! And im excited for the healing evoker! Goodluck kuss!
Bro rolled the hardest healer
No Paladin, i am shocked. I was so sure 😀
Another awesome season of Zero to Hero to watch 🙂
Omfg YES HE IS GOING FOR IT NOW I AM HYPED AF U are going to get so fucked ahahahahah