DISC PRIEST pre-patch Impressions | World of Warcraft: Shadowlands | (Before and After)

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DISC PRIEST pre-patch Impressions | World of Warcraft: Shadowlands | (Before and After

BFA Rotation: 00:00
BFA Dungeon : 1:42
Shadowlands Pre-patch Rotation: 5:52
Pre-patch Dungeon Rotation: 7:58


5 thoughts on “DISC PRIEST pre-patch Impressions | World of Warcraft: Shadowlands | (Before and After)”

  1. Lots of bad info here unfortunately. I.e. smite doesn't do the absorb anymore, mind sear only heals based on the first target hit, not every target hit so you're better of smiting for healing and only use it for pure aoe damage.

  2. Please do not write "guide" in your titles anymore. It's nice if you enjoy making videos about Wow. Unfortunately you lack expertise. If the person who is looking for a guide notices that you make many mistakes in the basic rotation, it hurts to imagine a beginner who has no idea, then learns these mistakes.

    A "my thoughts" or "first impression" format might be more appropriate. A guide should be written with a lot of background knowledge and preferably by several people. The video simply does not include a guide. Of course you should not stop making videos 😉


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