DISC Priest ROTATION Guide: Patch 9.0.1

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▼Hey friends! Today we’ll be having a first look at the Disc Priest Rotation in the Shadowlands Pre-Patch – Patch 9.0.1!▼



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► Music in this Video:

▼AK – Lovestory

Lensko – Circles

▼Mysteryos & Ex3ptions – Healing Soul

▼Music by Approaching Nirvana:
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00:00 Intro
01:34 Atonement Recap
04:02 Azerite Traits & Essences
07:02 Rotation & Healing Priorities
12:04 Final Thoughts


48 thoughts on “DISC Priest ROTATION Guide: Patch 9.0.1”

  1. This was super helpful. It does feel like our mana is a bit tighter for some reason for me so the mind blast explanation made a lot of sense. How does mana feel in Shadowlands raids?

  2. Hey, nice content 🙂 I just want to make a minor remark. I don't think that you made it explicit in the video, but it seems that you are mostly talking about disc role in raids. In M+, there isn't the concept of ramping nor the usage of evangelism. People may get confused. Other than that, keep it up!

  3. Can you show the ramp up to heal through high cleave or aoe dmg and situations on when to use your cooldowns? Visualizing the timing to apply atonement and apply dots while the boss dbm is counting down to its dmg are helpful.

  4. Nice guide, how ever I would have like to see the ramp up time added to the rotation section of the video. This is a big part of how we heal and would help many people when discovering the class for the first time.

  5. Is it just me or is disc EXTREMELY undertuned rn? I'm in blues/epics from raid finder and find myself CONSTANTLY playing catch up in heroic dungeons…like atonement barely tickling my party members…

  6. I was a orc warlock from BC to the end of Legion (story seemed to end for her) so I made her into her Draenor disc priest version. And I played her all through BfA, I watched tons for videos and I just always felt substandard compared to the healers around me (sans Battlegrounds). I now don't know what I'll due in Shadowlands due to that experience.

  7. Its fun playing disc but attaching atonement on a player just seems clunky to me. Maybe its because of radiance and the short timer on it? I'm not sure but i think it gets messy with a large pull with tanks and or excessive aoe dmg to group. Not sure if anyone else finds this annoying though.

  8. I'm new to disc and was doing some dungeons (level 21) and I really couldn't keep up with the damage the team would take. Its almost like I'm not doing enough damage and that was multi dotting and using mind blast on cd. What can I do to improve my healing?

  9. My main question is….Atonement is NOT listed on the tooltips. NEVER, EVER. So, its a secret thing? How do we know what things apply it without relying on youtube? I mean, why is this being overlooked by every major channel on youtube. How did you guys even learn this? Where does it say that holy word shield and shadowmend apply atonement? Just because you play in the beta? Because, for the rest of society, Blizz has given NO indication on this.

    And I already know your answer, I know where the info comes from, Im playing devils advocate here. This should be on the tool tip…not where it is located.

  10. I wish there were other YouTubers like you that made comprehensive guides. There’s just something special that you explain the rotations in the flow charts that makes it easy to understand.

  11. I'm not sure what to play yet, I have 3 healers (pala, priest and druid), I would like to do all 3 content but with only one pj (arenas / bg, M + and raids), what do you suggest? (Something that is decent in those 3 aspects) ?

  12. Hello, this guide is an absolute gem and now that I have a Disc priest leveled to 50 I am eager to step into the Disc Priest world, wanting to focus mainly on Mythic+. I realise the guide is focused on current patch content, thus Azerite etc is included, but is there any update wrt 9.0.2/3 when eventually these are disabled? Does that change much? And what are things to focus on in becoming a better Mythic+ healer?


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