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UPDATE: THEY DID ONE LAST TUNING PASS ON COVENANTS BEFORE RELEASE…but I don’t think it changes the verdict. Definitely not severe enough. If anything, necro is just closer to Kyrian and now my happy mogsters can feel even better about choosing necro.
TL;DR – Kyrian/Necrolord. Both specs. Kyrian is my pick. Necrolord has the most fun ability in the game.
AND WE’VE FINALLY MADE IT. My final Shadowlands prep video, and this one is a doozy. With 4 Covenants, 3 Soulbinds, 2 specs, and a couple of paths between them, there are a LOT of potential choices here. BUT, I believe wholeheartedly I’ve landed at the best choice for both Unholy & Frost PVP.
These things have a ton of power and utility that can completely change the landscape of how you play 2v2 or 3v3 in Shadowlands Season 1. They can change rotation, setup, mobility, disruption, CC, literally the entire toolkit of your character. They also directly impact your abilities for both output and survivability. It is wild how much they do! So obviously, getting the exact paths down to a science in just over an hour was nearly impossible. But, I wrapped it up in a TL;DR at the end that should help give you a definitive answer for what covenant options you have to be the best off.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: The Frost section is much shorter than the Unholy section because all the paths and such are the same, so I just had to decide what changed about them for Frost vs. Unholy. Honestly, watching the entire video is the best bet for ALL DK GAMERS!)
ENJOY THE SHADOWLANDS, FOLLOW DEATH KNIGHTS! – 3s, RBGs with Viewers, Multi R1 DK – Flark’s Stream Website! – Flark’s Twitter – Synergy PVP Discord & Community
0:00 – Introduction
2:18 – Unholy (Kyrian)
17:27 – Unholy (Necrolord)
26:43 – Unholy (Night Fae)
36:29 – Unholy (Venthyr)
45:02 – Unholy Closing Thoughts
47:12 – Frost (Necrolord)
50:11 – Frost (Kyrian)
53:31 – Frost (Night Fae)
58:05 – Frost (Venthyr)
#WoW #Worldofwarcraft #warcraft
once again i watched the entire think even though i don't play DK.
just love theorycrafting and stuff. also a lot of the soulbinds and conduits are relevant for other classes especially other melee dps
I must not simp for Winterqueen!
Great video !
Damn this seems like it will suck for pve/pvp players. I do both and I think venthyr is better for pve
is unholy or frost stronger in shadowladns pvp?
The only opinion that I trust. Thank you mate!
can change presets of covenants or something like that? in my case i am playing frost for raids and pvp and blood for dungeons. will i be able to chose around for what s the best in each situation?
best DK youtuber period. thanks!
Thanks man, great, informative video. I wanted to choose Necro but since I play PvE too, you totally swayed me towards Kyrian! Shadowlands gonna belong to the death knights, class lookin super strong overall
nice !
Amazing video flark, I'll be sure to share it with my community and in my personal discord! Looks like kyrian frost dk it is for achieving my first Glad! Time to get to work baby! Thanks for this you're a legend my guy
kyrian lost 3% vers that hurts a bit
what would u recommend as frost for tsg?
Isn˙t Shackle easy countered? Since it can just be dispelled and off your CD goes
Great video sir!
Hello Flark, I have a couple of questions about Kyrian being S tier. Is Shackle the Unworthy dispellable? If so, wouldn't that bring down the value of that ability vs Necrolord where it's just a mosh pit of goodness? I understand the soulbinds for Necro are a bit trash and Kyrian's are great. Just curious. Thank for the vid!
I think I will still pick Venthyr as I am actually playing all content. Arena, M+, Raid.
seems like kyrian is the way to go if you want to do some pve aswell
Totally unexpected
Had my eyes opened, was reading all the pve content up until now pointing towards Venthyr and assumed it would also be good for PVP, so glad I caught this video. Really tempted to go Necrolord, but your swinging it to Kyrian. Still can't decide on Frost or Unholy either :D. will just have the play the game and see what's most fun! Thanks for the detailed analysis as always
Also kudos for no adverts
What if you ran dark iron dwarves for the bleed removal and necro lord? Could it match kyrian? Sad cuz i feel most dks wana play necro for the theme
atleast NF isnt s tier lol….great video
If im going to play walking death, I still choose kyrian over necrolords with my dk right?
I like both but kyrian seems higher, necrolord only have abomination limb and kyrian also seems fun and more balance
Hey Flarki which covenant would be better for high rated BGs between kyrian and necrolord for Frost? Also what person (out of the 3 people) to pick for RBGs? Plz help <3
I'm wildly impressed with your commentary. Thanks for this video, it's incredible!
Thank you so much for the effort you're putting in theses amazing video guides ! The best theory-crafting walkthroughs out there !
@18:04 Did they change how Abomination limb works to AOE grip on press? I don't recall this.
New to DK, just curious what you mean by leg sweep?
dk blood as FC or arenas etc…??
I can't even decide between forst or unholy, how am i gonna decide between convenants haha
Great video, if I remember correctly there used to be a node in one of the venthyr soulbinds that acutally did make Door of Shadows instant, but that was way back in one of the initial versions, pre beta even I think.
So flark, since the recent buff, does it really matter which covenant we pick, whether it be Kyrian or Necrolord? Or is there still pathing to consider for both? Does one dominate more than the other for all around content? I was dead set on Kyrian but your confirmation would make me feel a hell of a lot better.
would u do the same video also for pve ? raid / m+ ? gread work man keep it up an thank you for all the work u put it <3 greedings from ger
One request, that you also consider RBG-format pvp when you discuss pros and cons and usability in PvP. Seems like RBG's will be even more relevant now with the new honor system that just got announced.
what would be the best covenant for unholy 2v2 with a healer?
what you´d say to vethyr for RBG?