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The traitorous Sire Denathrius has been defeated, but the power of the Maw still grows. In Chains of Domination, the upcoming major content update for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, players will delve into new depths of the Jailer’s hopeless domain, seeking to understand the true nature of his malignant plans. Backed by the renewed might of the four Covenants, the champions of the Horde and the Alliance will take the fight for the Shadowlands to the seat of the Jailer’s power. But the Banished One has a terrible new champion in his service—a cruel instrument of despair conscripted by Sylvanas Windrunner, capable of instilling dread into the hearts of Azeroth’s heroes like no creature of the Shadowlands.
Game: World of Warcraft: Shadowlands
Composers: Neal Acree, David Arkenstone
hi 🤩
Beautiful yet sorrowful
Wait of his father what happened to his child and see….no king takes it easy when you touch his little prince.
I hate the expansion grind and pvp pre milking such as legendary million upgrade covenant renown honor farming endless grinding
, but i didnot know that i will feel sorry for anduin for one day
Arthas 2.0
the song is beautiful, but this make me sad. And I hope we will save Anduin. Stormwind need a Wrynn. For the alliance
Say what you will about the games. The music has always been on point. This… It's like if you took Superman's theme and made it dark. It strikes a chord that makes me uneasy.
Say what you will about the story and gameplay, but the art and music for WoW has never faltered. Fantastic.
I feel so bad for Anduin. Much more than I actually realized.
I swear by the Sunwell, I will free Anduin from this curse! Zovaal will pay dearly for this insult! The Light's justice will prevail!
For the horde! but we gotta save this human boy, he too pure for this shit.
This is playing in Korthia today… just saying…
i wanna cryyyyy
always for the horde, but anduin just hits diff
It's the same track but sound inverted? I think that is to symbolize that Anduin now is "turned".
I, who never went beyond level 50 in the game, feel the story in this track.
Sylvanas did nothing wrong 🙂
The Wrynn theme has become Iconic in the game for players…
And then they put it in a minor key.
Blizzard… you've killed me.