Domination (Sylvanas Boss Theme) — World of Warcraft: Chains of Domination 9.1

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The traitorous Sire Denathrius has been defeated, but the power of the Maw still grows. In Chains of Domination, the upcoming major content update for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, players will delve into new depths of the Jailer’s hopeless domain, seeking to understand the true nature of his malignant plans. Backed by the renewed might of the four Covenants, the champions of the Horde and the Alliance will take the fight for the Shadowlands to the seat of the Jailer’s power. But the Banished One has a terrible new champion in his service—a cruel instrument of despair conscripted by Sylvanas Windrunner, capable of instilling dread into the hearts of Azeroth’s heroes like no creature of the Shadowlands.

Game: World of Warcraft: Shadowlands
Composers: Neal Acree, David Arkenstone
Art: Bayard Wu


29 thoughts on “Domination (Sylvanas Boss Theme) — World of Warcraft: Chains of Domination 9.1”

  1. Yet another insane example of in-game music. All the music in the Shadowlands has blown me away, gg Neal Acree and David Arkenstone. I can't wait to hear this during the raid! 🙂

  2. This is so dark and horror sounding but suits an evil bitch 😂😂 ps. This could suit like insidious movies so well in all different ways, its creepy dark horrific and just amazing

  3. How do you go from Lament of the Highborne to this generic sounding Hollywood movie music?
    I mean, Lament doesn't fit in a bossfight but there isn't even a reference to it. What a joke

  4. extremely bland and generic trumpet and drums followed by generic strings playing the same chords over and over again… anyone praising this is either deaf or blindfolded by activisions sunk-cost grindy pay-to-win mobile game.
    Honestly a huge missed opportunity as well. This could have been a grand orchestral version of Lament of the Highborne, you know, Sylvanas' theme since the beginning. I guess one guy with Musescore was the only thing they had the budget for after sending Booby Cuntdick that extra 100 million

  5. Damn so glad there is an upload of this. Been playing wow over a decade, and my brother and I just got into raiding in 9.1. Killing H Sylv and getting our first ever AOTC moment was not only such a great gaming moment, but such a great moment for us as brothers, as something we’re so into together. Love this OST. Makes me wanna get going. We are fuckin champions of Azeroth.


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