Dont MISS These Rewards! Do This FIRST In Prepatch for The War Within

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The War Within prepatch is finally here, and it introduces a large chunk of the war within expansion changes, and theres some new content to keep us busy until the War Within releases for real. So lets go over what you can do in prepatch, and what you should do first to pick up some important rewards.

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Timestamps –
00:00 – Do this FIRST in The War Within Prepatch
00:44 – New warbands quest
01:44 – Check out your warband
03:32 – Unlock the Warband bank
04:43 – Get used to the UI changes
05:48 – New camera option explained
06:12 – Transmog changes
06:47 – Class and talent changes
07:32 – Work on your end of expansion goals
08:59 – What about the new event?


38 thoughts on “Dont MISS These Rewards! Do This FIRST In Prepatch for The War Within”

  1. Does this mean Dragonflight is now included in the game and can be played without buying the xpac? I noticed the popup on the login screen to upgrade to it has gone away and now lists The War Within. And my level 60 now has an xp bar and it put me in front of Wrathion with a Dragon Quest.

  2. 3:32 we’ve temporarily disabled the Warband Warbank while we work on a critical issue. This is a top priority and we intend to enable the Warbank as soon as possible. Thank you!

  3. So what actually does the new expansion give yoy if you only play one character? Nothing except a convoluted change of talents of which you can only make sense by following guides, and yet another solo game mode noone wanted…

  4. is there a difference between

    /console cameraIndirectVisibility [1]

    /console cameraIndirectVisibility 1

    /console cameraIndirectVisibility1

    Ive seen all 3. Which one is actual command?

  5. Cheerd Kelani :> The irony of being older and playing only Druid now (back to OG Nightelf though I have a Troll to play with Horde friends), since they have all 4 roles and time/energy is more limited ^^;

  6. I spent the first night fixing my UI and updating addons/macros, poked around my talents and readjusted my action bars.

    The second night I finished throwing my spec together, noticed the Warbank was broken, went to do the remote Warbank quest, got sharded mid-quest from a Tanaris where I was one of two people in the quest area to a Tanaris where a dozen people were all insta-killing quest mobs, went to check out the new achievements, noticed progress for many multi-step achievements was missing/bugged out, decided pre-patch had already wasted enough of my time and took a run before bed.

    Today I only made it to the character select before logging back off.

    They just can’t help themselves. They can’t release an expansion without doing their darnedest to break the damn game, can they?

    And people actually complained about the early access. It’s just going to be 3 extra days of broken BS while Blizzard’s overworked & understaffed dev team scrambles to plug the holes they made.

  7. I think with all these updates, and the warband system making the game even more complex, blizzard should spend a little bit of time thinking about how to bring new players on board smoothly. A new player would feel overwhelmed at this point


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