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I got four drops from TW raid….
I got the ring that provides shit ton of haste and bit of Versatility. Thats basicly a bis item.
BUUUT ofc for some reason you cannot put sockets to it. I hope it gets fixed but i doubt.
Timewalking badges can be used in the 20th anniversary event.
So I would do this before opening up your weakly vault. Had 2 tiers in the vault the helm and shoulders, picked up the helm because it was a bigger upgrade.
I go do the weakly quest and the TW raid, and on both of those got a helm.
Even if I had picked up the corerct one both these drops didnt have any MASTERY on them so pretty much useless. damn bad luck.
Havent had a single map drop, friend of mine has had 9 across 3 characters
The Tyrande comments did not disappoint
I spent 2h trying to get into a group and gave up
My ilvl was 590
I got my bis ring from the TW chest also did BT and finally able to Mog my Lego weapons on my DH !!
Lmao i just got my BIS trinket from the chest. its only champion gear but still better than what it had before. Thanks for the tip.
you can get ashes of al'ar from the crate reward for doing black temple !
I just came back been gone seemed wrath and now idea what the hell he talking about
LOL 4 items, so full of it.
Delves are great for getting the worst trinkets ever created
18 hours ago
Who plays with sound on? I have banging tunes on Spotify big dog.
This speaks volumes…
Timewalking badges are going to be usefull for pets/toys/transmog/mounts in the wow anniversary patch. Not so much that they’re going to be updated.
"Literally zero effort to get" "Just do 5 Heroic dungeons and a Raid" Most insane clickbait I ever seen
20 years of being told how to pronounce a main characters name and bro calls her TIE-RAND!
raider nation
I don't know if there's something wrong with TW dungeons, but I was in queue for close to an hour each time I queues for DPS so I don't know if it's possible to level up through them currently.
Didn't work for me – got nothing
1:02 where again I didn’t get what u you said?
When are we getting the rest of the class tier videos for T12?
Silver & black 🎉🎉🎉🦾
Your video resulted in me having the biggest increase in iLVL in my entire history of WoW x 7 characters. I had no idea this event was even going on if it were not for you. Thanks man!
can you do this daily or just the 1 run for the week?
1:05 It says I'm queued but I can't see the "raid finder eye icon". And when opening the raid finder I can't see that I'm currently queued.
Is it supposed to be like that?
You had me with the Raiders jersey
ive farmed every bountiful day on 3 characters and still havent dropped a single map yet. dumb ass system
I got a 616 Item and Ashes of Al'ar from the Raid Chest 😀
Tie rand is fucking wild
Scotty Jay with another Banger video. 🎉🔥🔥