Don’t WASTE Your Time! Do This FIRST On Launch Day

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The War Within is finally here! We can level up to 80 and start exploring everything this new expansion has to offer us. But there are some things I would make sure you do first, or do while leveling, so you aren’t backtracking as much or wasting your time.

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41 thoughts on “Don’t WASTE Your Time! Do This FIRST On Launch Day”

  1. Click here : : to buy Janthir Wilds and start your Guild Wars 2 adventures today!

    Become a YouTube member here –

    The BEST professions for easy gold –

    Top 10 reasons to be excited for The War Within –

    The BEST Classes to Play in The War Within –

  2. I didn’t go learn my gathering professions I just went to the nearest herb and picked it and it let me learn it from there same with skinning as long as u have the tools from dragon flight your good but there is a new set

  3. Note to self. Once you've unlocked Adventure Mode on your main, if your alts have completed the quest A Poor Reception last week, of course those characters will NOT be able to take the skip in Silithus. No big deal… Take the portal from Stormwind/Orgrimmar to Dornogal, and go talk to Brann Bronzebeard at 47 44. Adventuring in Khaz Algar is the breadcrumb quest he gives you, and there's the Scouting Map on the table right there.

  4. I dont get why people are thinking the GW2 ad is out of place… Its one of the competitors in the MMO market, who else would you aim this ad on? My little pony enjoyers? CS2 players? its a perfect spot for the ad.

  5. Don't listen to Kelani, watch all the cut scenes and listen to all the dialog at least on your first toon.
    I played quite a lot and it took me 2 days to hit 80. However I now have a decent grasp of the storyline.
    The rest, sure, explore, unlock, build reputation etc.

  6. I went full degen and finished the whole thing with my rogue in 2 days. Rushed dungeons with my tank dh, set up my farm Druid and will now start my next twink. Still not sure if brewmaster or affli though 🫡


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