While this is what is gonna make me start playing WoW after all this years, i'm really happy for being part of this community. Been leveling up and searching about the Lore and meeting new people, Having a good time.
Cant wait for my Main Race to come, i hope it comes before December, i'm anxious.
Can't wait for this expansion to release!. My only concern with the new class it's the lack of a tanking spec and that Soar "still" has a cooldown but otherwise it seems like it's gonna be a very fun class to play.
As an additional note, i always been an alliance guy, but that less than warm welcome from the alliance really making me re consider my choices.
Please, for the sake of everything that is amusing, simply let the dragons to fly where you would typically be able to on a horse under the same conditions. That's all we need. Our dragons should be able to fly, not merely theoretically take off every second Tuesday if Jupiter is in the third house
Ebyssian should be about the same age as the evokers, seeing as they both were born/created during the war of the ancients. Weird he calls them young ones.
iOS Seem to have issues loading the video. Sadly nothing I Can do. Other Dragonflight Videos:
Wrathion's Gambit https://youtu.be/Mn3tb9j8nDc
All Plate Armor Sets in Dragonflight https://youtu.be/OvPvUvd0zDY
Future of World Content? https://youtu.be/oLfkdp-2Ug8'
Dracthyr Customization Options https://youtu.be/1ILWpliyytI
I always enjoy watching these videos on your channel
Uhhh says no stream tap to try again
Still can’t watch it
Generic. Boring. Yawn. These dracthyr also look more like a malnourished lizard than a draconic being. Even those draconids looked better.
I think this is going to be my new main. Can't wait to play a dracthyr.
Hopefully the timings between convos between two characters gets fixed come launch
Hmm. Seems they may need to animate Ebyssian and Wrathion mouth's opening unless those two became psychic sometime recently.
While this is what is gonna make me start playing WoW after all this years, i'm really happy for being part of this community.
Been leveling up and searching about the Lore and meeting new people, Having a good time.
Cant wait for my Main Race to come, i hope it comes before December, i'm anxious.
Waking up from magical cryo sleep huh?
Chief/Slayer: BRUH.
Calling it now. Sarkareth will either be a dungeon or raid boss.
Horde Strength Honor?
Didnt age well the last some addons hu?
Ebonhorn comes to the gates of Ogrimnar welcomed with with open arms. Wrathion comes to the gates of stormwind everyone what are you doing here.
is this beta or ptr?
Awesome! Is this on Beta or PTR?
i love Ebonhorn so much <3 he didn't do much but i just love him :3
Are there no meeting with the leaders inside the city’s ?
Can't wait for this expansion to release!. My only concern with the new class it's the lack of a tanking spec and that Soar "still" has a cooldown but otherwise it seems like it's gonna be a very fun class to play.
As an additional note, i always been an alliance guy, but that less than warm welcome from the alliance really making me re consider my choices.
Leyst my guy, thank you for putting this together. Great to see how the Dracthyr story is starting out, and I'm excited to see where its going!
That was awesome! Glad the video played just fine on my computer, been waiting all day to see this 😁
A other good vidoe dude keep you rock
do the dracthyr have voices yet?
Can't wait to play them, I wonder how their flying and glides will work out at launch in pvp.
OK, why would the Mighty dracthyr take shit from puny humans? I'd be walking away. Pretty sure dracthyr can be 3rd faction if they wanted.
5:47 Nice to see the grimtotem at least getting SOME relevancy again.
Need early access to create my winged lizard
watched the first 5 mintues for curiosity and looks already good the story than the SL
daaamn vrathion droping these joke bombs left and right xDDDDD
i missed him so much <3
Choose your side Arthas or Anduin
Do we know what prepatch will be? I have no idea!
The evoker player how can trust by alliance and horde? If evoker player win the raid people can trust dragon man?
god the dracthyr are really aberrations
such cringe
can they farm by flying mining and herbalism?
I know they're a hero class, but what level do they start off at?
"Noble races of the Horde"….?? Damn made lol.
Awww Wrathion is sad that he hasn’t seen Anduin in a while. He really cherishes his relationship with him
How much you wanna bet something dealing with Galakrond is the End game? If not Galakrond himself?
When is prepatch?
Ok so writing is still completely cringe and the characters have literally nothing interesting to say and no personalities
Please, for the sake of everything that is amusing, simply let the dragons to fly where you would typically be able to on a horse under the same conditions. That's all we need. Our dragons should be able to fly, not merely theoretically take off every second Tuesday if Jupiter is in the third house
Ebyssian should be about the same age as the evokers, seeing as they both were born/created during the war of the ancients. Weird he calls them young ones.
I just can’t get over the kindergarden story time writing and voice acting in retail.
Can they walk on 4 legs?