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Would you like them to add more content for Dracthyr Evokers in Legion?
I hope their Legion mount is just them transforming into a mountable dragon form with Dragon Riding.
tbh. they should give the demon hunters and the dracthyr the ability to fly since they have wings…
It would be interesting to see what happens to Dracthyr, Evoker, in the Vanilla raid, Blackwing Lair with the fight with Nefarian, as there would be a debuff that would get? As all new classes since Vanilla have been given a debuff. Such as the Hunter's weapon break, Death Knight's Death Grips the whole party, and so forth.
LoL.. a Worgen looks a lot more menacing..
Thats a big ol' dislike button if i ever saw one
If they wanted to add in a class hall later on, they could just have a portal set out of the way that takes you to a small bronze dragon temporal hidey-hole. Artifacts and mage tower can just give us transmog cosmetics without the need of actual weapons.
Demon hunters should have flying like the dragon class
yea… that dance alone is prob why I cant play that class. rip
They start at 60 so who cares
Kinda hate the drakthry or we
If I were to make a Evoker Order Hall Campaign, I would make it one where the Dracthyrs are tasked by Chromie and the Bronze Dragonflight to protect and ensure the stability of the main timeline during the Burning Legion invasion, by fighting the many interlopers that are trying to screw with the timeline, whether to be the Emerald Nightmare, remnants of the Burning Legion, and the Infinite Dragonflight among others.
I'd really like a simple quest line for Legion where you and the Bronze Dragonflight go back to the invasion and deal with some Infinite Dragonflight nonsense. Instead of Artifact weapons, they could get special Infinite themed armor pieces for the barber shop or something. Just something to fill in the expansion's content, because I'd really like to play through every expansion with my Dracthyr
It's great that there are going to be way for the Dracthyr to legion content. It's driving me nuts waiting to play as a Dracthyr. I'd love to play as one right now. Being a Dragon Freak it's driving me nuts waiting.
A video about nothing. Spoiler: Obviously No Class Hall, no Artifact Weapon, no Mage Tower challenge.
Irrelevant to the post but I hope we get an expansion where we are at azeroth(not cata style) and we do regular interesting quests rather than being the ultimate world saving superkings.
brokeshore questline requires an orderhall at different parts if i recall.
This race looks stupid and out of place …
Kinda wish Evokers started at 10
Haha, The new dragon race is the one reason I'm not even going to play retail. xD
I go grab a Dalaran hearthstone on all of my alts just for convenience