Dragonblight – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King

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The Dragonblight, also called the Great Dragonblight, is a great dragon graveyard valley, located in southern Northrend. The entrance to the nerubian kingdom of Azjol-Nerub can be found in the mid-west part, while the mysterious Wyrmrest Temple resides in the middle. The magnataur village of Bloodmar is here also, as well as the ruined taunka capital of Icemist Village, and the nerubian conclave of Sundered Monolith. The Forsaken base of Venomspite, as well as the human stronghold of Wintergarde Keep are located to the east. The Scourge citadel of Naxxramas is floating in the skies above Wintergarde.

The bones are zealously guarded by Malygos and his blue dragonflight, but the rise of the Lich King and the Scourge allowed the undead to claim many sets of bones from the graveyard and use them to create frost wyrms for the Scourge forces. The Dragonblight was also the home of the first humans to fall victims to the Plague.

Surrounding Wyrmrest Temple are five majestic dragon shrines: red, bronze, green, blue, and black, each blessed with the powers of its respective flight. In recent times the undead Scourge has laid siege to these shrines in an effort to further its attempts at raising terrifying new variations of undead dragons to serve the Lich King.

In an attempt to arrest these invasions, the red Dragon Aspect, Alexstrasza, has begun recruiting heroes to aid in the fight against the Scourge, even as the taunka and tuskarr wage their own desperate battles against the undead. The one-time Scarlet Crusade, now the Scarlet Onslaught, has arrived as well in the hopes of claiming victory in their ongoing campaign against the Lich King and his minions.

Both the Alliance and the Horde have begun establishing a presence in the Dragonblight, taking a particular interest in the barred entrance to Icecrown, Angrathar the Wrathgate. There both factions have begun gearing up for the siege that will inevitably lead into the lair of the Lich King himself.

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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions / subtitles) from YouTube bar.
All music is composed by Derek Duke

World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Dragonblight locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:50 Westwind Refugee Camp (The Taunka)
0:04:16 Icemist Village
0:05:57 Western Dragonblight
0:06:52 Wolvar settlements
0:07:38 Indu’le Village
0:09:19 Moa’ki Harbor
0:12:55 Agmar’s Hammer
0:18:50 Stars’ Rest
0:22:42 Surge Needle
0:23:43 Azure Dragonshire
0:26:45 Emerald Dragonshire
0:29:09 Venomspite
0:31:37 New Hearthglen
0:35:12 Naxxramas
0:37:53 Wintergarde
0:43:07 Path of the Titans
0:45:23 Wyrmrest Temple
0:51:11 Ruby Dragonshire
0:52:42 Kor’kron Vanguard
0:55:22 Fordragon Hold
0:56:26 Angrathar the Wrath Gate
0:57:19 Wyrmrest Temple, Path of the Titans – Jotun The Curse Bearer

As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old & new World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #WoWWotLK


21 thoughts on “Dragonblight – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King”

  1. I am sure some of you appreciate Northrend more than Outland. So here is something for you (Maxime, you specifically asked for this).

    The RP hero for this video is Alexstrasza. You can see her flying over the skies for Dragonblight in my video. But there are some scenes that depict the Wrathgate conflict. I never truly realized, this zone is just huge with a lot of lore in it. I've filmed about 2 hours and a half, without going into detail. It was a real challenge to trim the video for one hour, to compose the story and select things which really matter. Did I skip something important? Perhaps.

    Do you like this video? Give it a like, listen to more (playlist links bellow), subscribe. Do you want to support my work? Details in the video description.


    Wrath of the Lich King playlist: http://tiny.cc/ca60xy

    All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist: http://tiny.cc/zti5wy

    Livestream with Music & Ambience: https://www.youtube.com/Meisio/live

    With love,


  2. Why do the older zones have much more memorable music than the newer stuff? Is it because it's less orchestrated/ over produced and more atmospheric? I can rememeber the music from scholozar, westfall, terrokar and jade forest way more than anything that comes after it.

  3. Fantastic! Now that we're about to enter into TBC, I love having music from zones that I won't be experiencing for a while. In Vanilla, dreaming of TBC – now in TBC, dreaming of WoTLK… so it goes. Thanks for this, I love the cinematography and the storytelling 🙂

  4. I still remember the night, i was watching something (for Fun) and when the first previews of the new WoW Expansion (did not play BC back then at all) was release, i instantly looked of a "way" to see the stream and when i they showcased the new zones, i was so hooked by Dragonblight – it look so different from anything else and so fitting for Northrend.


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