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Revel in the power of dragons.
– New Race & Class: Dracthyr Evoker
– Talent System & Professions Revamp
– New Feature: Dragonriding
– User Interface Update
– New Zones, Dungeons, & Raids
Learn more about the latest expansion in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight at #Dragonflight #Warcraft
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1080p ??
Stocks must be down, you lost your money when you became unoriginal. Must be out of ideas
So few views. Weird intro and diff title from the other cinematics
The dragons have arrived, Rrraaaarrrrrr so exciting
Who built all the Titan stuff? GM?
The Art Team Is the last pillar of this company… And they are paid the less.
House of the dragon?
Unpopular opinion : This cinematic is awesome !
Wow this is the first trailer that feels empty and lame
The last minute was copied from how to train your dragon?😂😂
Mist of pandaria trailer has 23 million views.
Мужик лезет, потом мужик падает. Охуеть как интересно..
mop has best intro
Tower legit looks like something out of Halo.
This cinematic trailer is so different to all the others. Feels weird.
If they made films they would take over the film industry
Wow: Classic, BC, TLK, cata, panda.
expensive fanfic: WOD, legion, BFA, shadow, dragon.
Seems the cinematics budget has been reduced to 10% to match the game’s revenue
Disney 2.0. RIP wow (2004-2010)
Most disliked WoW trailer in proportion to the likes, even Shadowlands wasn't this bad.
Who the f still plays wow in 2023. Moneygrab game
where are the othe rcinematics like this? BFA had loads of them
kinda poetic if you think about it. this expansion did heal the game
Is WoW still cool?
48k dislikes sheeeesh
let's go
how to train your stoneboi
Awesome expansion, still going strong.
Mad respect for Stoneboi. Saw the device wasn’t working and said, “Nah!”
To long boring 3min.
Wow again copies guild wars 2.
Absolutely amazing.
Forgettable expansion. Vanilla -> The beginning / TBC -> Illidan / WotlK -> Arthas/ Cata -> Deathwing / Mop -> Garrosh, pvp islands, timed runs / WoD -> Most Hyped / Legion -> Legendaries / BFA -> Amazing Cinematics / SL -> Worst Expa / DF -> Everyone says its good, but no one plays.
How to train your Dragon…. !!!
World of Warcraft: Friendship is Magic
This cinematic has almost nothing to do with the expansion except for the fact that the dragons are in it.
love this expansion.. 100% better than Shadowlands 🙂
hope the next one is more hype
Soooo…. All the flora and fauna in the dragon isles, including an entire race of centaur, lived in cloud shrouded darkness for 10000 years before we all showed up?