Dragonflight Herbalism Talent Guide – World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Guide

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In this video learn The BEST talents for Dragonflight Herbalism!
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This is an easy beginner solo World of Warcraft Shadowlands gold farm.

Welcome to my World of Warcraft gold making series: Should You Farm It? In this series I will be running various gold farms and reporting back with my findings and opinions so you can decide, should you farm it? Have you ever thought to yourself that you really wanted to start farming WoW gold but you did not know where to start? Are you constantly asking what is the best way to make WoW gold? This World of Warcraft gold making guide series is for you!

We will ask and answer should you farm the legion time walking mage tower in patch 9.2 Eternity’s End to make World of Warcraft raw gold!

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13 thoughts on “Dragonflight Herbalism Talent Guide – World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Guide”

  1. Nice vid m8!
    Question, I cant refine any herbs because when i select the herbs i want to refine, they instantly deselects them self and remvoes them self from the slot so i never can actually refine them.
    Have you encountered this problem and or heard anything of issues regarding it?
    The Forum for this is so bad and are of no help…

  2. Put 1 point into mastering the elements and that's it. You'll get an ability that you can activate near herbs with elements on them that will yield you 1 – 2 awakenings as well as level 3 herbs. Huge gold maker, but only worth putting 1 point in at the start.

  3. Mastering the elements gets you to overload frost herbs and air herbs which all drop even more herbs. Frost overload multiplies the node by 5 or 6. Air overload shoots you into the air and you can get nodes as you glide down (as many as you can, but I've never gotten more than 5; it's kind of hard). Frost and air essences also sell for a lot.

    You can overload the other elements but it's no super worth it.

    Herbing while mounting is overrated. You are better off having more nodes (elemental) or getting more out of each individual node (bountiful), than going around looking for more nodes and picking them up slightly faster.

  4. I am not sure what Perception does for the very basic flowers, because there is nothing rare you can find from those in the first place.
    (expect the seed and knowledge item, which might be weekly capped?)


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