Dragonflight Leveling Part 2: Level 7-10 | Human Rogue | World of Warcraft Gameplay Series

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Welcome to part 2 of my Human Rogue leveling series, starting in the Dragonflight pre-patch.

I was curious as to how long it would take me to level a character from 1-50 and possibly 50-60 (and maybe even 60-70) and so I thought I’d roll a new Human Rogue to see just how long it might take.

Series Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiXLO1sFvab7BVGhMWwiY8_-efTmeKUtY

This series will see me create a new character, during the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Pre-Patch, and follow a similar questing path that I took in my Human Paladin Let’s Play series (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiXLO1sFvab6Oy4GA3l8TGVCAVpxhZ4WD) however I will not be reading any quests. I’ll be focusing on speeding through as much as possible in as short a time as possible.

I will be using any heirlooms I may have and be taking advantage of the Winds of Wisdom (50%) buff that is currently available to levels 10-59.

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#worldofwarcraft #dragonflight


9 thoughts on “Dragonflight Leveling Part 2: Level 7-10 | Human Rogue | World of Warcraft Gameplay Series”

  1. Dragon gliding is not my boomie flight form, I want both in all azeroth and just whichever pleases me more for a chosen activity. Please don't give ion/bliz an excuse to repeat the WOD flying debacle. Wow can't stand losing five million subs for same mistake again, and while they are at it all pathfinders just to be absorbed with buying flight ar level 30 and fast flying for ever green transportation


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