Dundley Stickyfingers Pet Battle Guide – Shadowlands

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

This video is a pet battle guide showing you how to beat Dundley Stickyfingers located in Maldraxxus in the shadowlands co ordinates 63/47.

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29 thoughts on “Dundley Stickyfingers Pet Battle Guide – Shadowlands”

  1. I listened to your video in the background while doing my pet battle at the same time. For my third pet, I used Clockwork Gnome since I only recently got Lil Bling and have not leveled him to 25. I used the skills Railgun – Blitz – Launch Rocket. Swarm of Flies was still active, so I only used Blitz. I had to use it twice, and Trailblazer missed with each of his attacks. I am new to WoW, so I need all of the help I can get and I really appreciate your videos. <3

  2. Just 2 petted won with Rabit (S/S) and Emerald Proto-Whelp (P/P)…. use the rabbit to fight both the undead. Also, great guides … these have helped a lot with catching up.

  3. I used stormborne whelping and boneshard it does 192 undead damage used and takes 10% health but its a beast with blistering cold and those dots pound away at him, for the whelping i used arcane storm mana surge.

  4. im getting pretty good results with Guardian Cobra Hatchling , Fragments of Anger and Left Shark. just use blinding poison spell from cobra on the first dude and he misses most of his spin attacks

  5. i beat it with Ikky, Mana Wyrmling and Brown rabbit : ikky = black claw and flock , mana wyrmling with = feedback , amplify magic and mana surge , and brown rabbit with = flurry , dodge and stampede


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