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This video is a pet battle guide showing you how to beat Dundley Stickyfingers located in Maldraxxus in the shadowlands co ordinates 63/47.
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tyagain guys!
awesome 😀
I listened to your video in the background while doing my pet battle at the same time. For my third pet, I used Clockwork Gnome since I only recently got Lil Bling and have not leveled him to 25. I used the skills Railgun – Blitz – Launch Rocket. Swarm of Flies was still active, so I only used Blitz. I had to use it twice, and Trailblazer missed with each of his attacks. I am new to WoW, so I need all of the help I can get and I really appreciate your videos. <3
ty worked perfectly.
Just 2 petted won with Rabit (S/S) and Emerald Proto-Whelp (P/P)…. use the rabbit to fight both the undead. Also, great guides … these have helped a lot with catching up.
Brilliant thank you!
this one worked. tyvm
Direbeak Hatchling and Benax got me thru the whole fight
Thank you using easy to get pets and not Unborn Valkyr or any other pet that requires luck & or heavy amount of farming/ gold just to get
I used stormborne whelping and boneshard it does 192 undead damage used and takes 10% health but its a beast with blistering cold and those dots pound away at him, for the whelping i used arcane storm mana surge.
thank you man!
ty sir
Thank you very much
Your videos are great but i hate the damn music lol… it's way too loud
wonderful, thank you
Nice group for this battle!!! Thx
im getting pretty good results with Guardian Cobra Hatchling , Fragments of Anger and Left Shark. just use blinding poison spell from cobra on the first dude and he misses most of his spin attacks
i beat it with Ikky, Mana Wyrmling and Brown rabbit : ikky = black claw and flock , mana wyrmling with = feedback , amplify magic and mana surge , and brown rabbit with = flurry , dodge and stampede
i also beat it with : kneebiter, anklerender , and spring rabbit
I dont no what i would do without you..
awesome, thanks bud!
saved my life
Best pet guide & i use your info AL the time ty
Thank you for these very concise guides.
Easy mode after watching your videos! Thanks a bunch!
Hey I used chitterspine skittering- killed the first two pets (with the same/similar abilities as Ikky- black claw and swarm). Can be caught in Nazjatar 🙂
I've seen several of your tutorials so far and they are very helpfull. So thank you very much.
Never stop doing these videos. I am relying on you. :))