EARLY Controller Support Preview in World of Warcraft | Shadowlands Alpha

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

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Checkout Marlamins Tweet Thread: https://twitter.com/Marlamin/status/1256930502247960578
Special thanks to wow.tools

🎵 Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0OkBNWmDic

🎵 Outro: Unity – TheFatRat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8X9_MgEdCg)


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25 thoughts on “EARLY Controller Support Preview in World of Warcraft | Shadowlands Alpha”

  1. They should put it on console man they lacking if final fantasy can do it and path of exile an arpg ffs then it should be possible for them and they can make alot more refenue from console players I can only run wow classic on my potato pc

  2. I've been playing around with it today on PTR, it works pretty well, but having a dedicated UI and action bars for it would make it a lot more intuitive to use, as trying to bind the controller around my already existing character's bars is fairly awkward.

  3. I know im pretty late but i can see this not being too much of a problem later on, like you can probably make a macro for the entire single target dps rotation for a windwalker monk, use auto loot and go nuts, shift a would roll, a would jump, x would be your rotation, y would be your buffs in a macro, b would be your aoe rotation, might be fun, nice to chill in bed with a controller and a laptop before sleeping or something idk.

  4. i have been wanting actual native support more for trying it, but i hope they have refined the controls, if they haven't that looks uber slow. use controller click select loot click select, that seems a bit unituitive.

  5. how do you disable gamepad? On retail it's /console GamePadEnable 1 to enable it. /console GamePadDisable 1 doesnt work. What do I do to get back where I started?

  6. There's no reason why this game can't be full on controller support. FFXIV has as many if not more abilities for some jobs than WoW does for classes. There's no reason why Blizzard couldn't just copy some of their ideas for the controller.


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