Early Start For Engineers, Achievements That Might Go Away Soon! Your Weekly Dragonflight Guide #85

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We take a look at a way Engineers in The War Within can get an early head start on developing their professions, meanwhile a reminder to complete your raid achievements in case they go away with the prepatch!

Info on The War Within Engineering https://www.wowhead.com/news/334-344734

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Coffee With Soul https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkNMrTN91JVPYhblHpag_A
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!

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13 thoughts on “Early Start For Engineers, Achievements That Might Go Away Soon! Your Weekly Dragonflight Guide #85”

  1. Early access is a big mistake and could ruin the expansion but they just want those Benjamin’s. Classes are never ‘finished’.. I need an end game besides raids and challenge mode dungeons..world is unthreatening and everything is 1 shot with gear.

    Don’t even get me started on how lethal hunters are compared to every other class in BGs. When not confined into an arena with pillars hunters are BiS for bgs and playing anything else feels like you are just their target dummy.

  2. Another solid video, Soul…keep em coming. Has there be an official announcement from Blizzard regarding what exactly will be available during early access?


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